Chapter 15: Two Surprises

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Benedict's POV

We've finally arrived in Baltimore, and the flight was decent. Abby feed Victor a few times, but he mainly slept and was quiet surprisingly. Drew slept, played Candy Crush, slept, ate, and played Candy Crush until we were told to put our seatbelts on. I just jotted down a few ways to approach to Lucille, and I also took a 3 hour nap. "I'm hungry" Drew said, and I just looked at him after I grabbed both my suitcase. "Drew, when are you never hungry?" Abby asked him. She was carrying Victor's car seat, and he was in it, with a blanket that covered his stomach and his little feet. I'm glad that Abby has a child, and that Drew is willing to stay with Abby and help her out with the little one. I've always wanted a family of my own, but i'm just waiting for the right time. 

"That will be $200 exact. How will you be paying?" the lady at the front desk asked me as I was purchasing the tickets for us to go to Charlotte. "Card please." I handed her my card, she took it and started processing the purchase. "Thank you again man. Let me know on how we can pay you back." Drew kept telling me over and over again. "It's fine mate. No need to pay me back. It's a little treat for all of us since the plan got ruined." "Here you go sir. Here's your tickets and have a great flight!" "Thank you!" I told her, and we left. We walked through the security gates, Abby didn't have to walk through them 6 times like she did back in London, and we walked towards the gate where the plane will be leaving from. On the way to the gate, I smelled a bunch of fast food, pastrys, and coffee. I could go for a coffee right now. I thought to myself. 

As we arrived to our assigned gate, I put my backpack down on the blue seat, and said "I'm going to grab a cup of coffee. Would you two like anything?" "I'm going with you. Babe, do you want anything?" "Just a Dr. Pepper would be great. Thanks. I'll watch Victor." Drew told Abby, and we walked towards the nearest Starbucks and little store we could find. "Usually Drew comes with me to get drinks. Why did you come?" I asked her, wanting to know why she went with me instead of Drew. "Ben, I need to tell you something. Before you left, Lucille told me something and i'm the only person who knows this." "What is it?" "Well, she said she felt like she wasted time liking you. You really hurt her feelings and she lost trust in you." We just looked at each other. "Benedict, how are you going to make it up to her?" That's one of the few things I haven't thought about yet. I kept telling everybody i'm going to make it up to her by a certain way when I see her, but it hasn't been officially processed yet.. what am I doing? 

Lucille's POV

"Lucille darling!! It's so good to see you! You must be exhausted from that drive." My mother told me as she gave me a hug. She smelled like French Vanilla coffee and sugar cookies. I remembered that she mentioned my sister, Evelyn, and her husband, Kaleb, and their 5 year-old daughter, Krysten, are staying here until their house is done being built. I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen, and it was Evelyn. "It's so good to see you!" She hugged me, and immediately, I noticed a baby bump. "It's good to see you too Eve, but, you never told me you were expecting another child!" She was surprised that she never mentioned to me about her second pregnancy. She was a Senior when she was pregnant with Krysten, and that was a stressed out year for the whole family. My parents didn't like Kaleb at first because every weekend, he would always go out and drink, and when Evelyn was 7 months pregnant, he was never around for her and the baby. But when Evelyn gave birth to Krysten, our father talked some sense into Kaleb, and since then, he's changed into a better man, husband, and father. 

"Well, i'm only 5 months along. Plus, we just found out the genders!!" Evelyn said excidetly. "Genders? Are-are you having twins?" I asked curious because like I said earlier, she hasn't mentioned anything to me about her second pregnancy. "Yes!! We're having twins!! And, we've already picked out names." That's normal for them. When Evelyn first found out she was pregnant in December of her Senior year, she told Kaleb that if the baby was a boy, the name would be Terrell Alexander. If it was a baby girl, the name would be Krysten Alexandria. "What are they?" "The twins are boys, and their names are Keith James and Eric Aiden." 

-4 hours later-

It was midnight, and it was an entertaining evening with hearing both Evelyn and Kaleb talk about the twins. Lately, i've seen a bunch of babies, and maybe the world is trying to tell me something, but who knows. As I unpacked all my clothes from my suitcase into the drawers, my phone buzzed. 

Abby: Go to the nearest Starbucks to your parents house... NOW

Why was Abby telling me to go to the nearest Starbucks? There's no way she could be there because she's been saving money up for baby things. I didn't want to argue with her, so I grabbed the car keys, quietly walked down the stairs, and headed towards the car. The drive was short. Strange. Starbucks here isn't open this late at times. I noticed that not many people were in there, so I walked through the door. I saw a man behind the cash register, and as I got closer, he started looking familiar. Then it clicked. It was Drew. "Drew, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in London wi-" "I'm here" said Abby's voice. As I turned around, Drew started speaking. "Lucille, we wanted to surprise you." "I'm surprised y'all are here. But, shouldn't you be in London?" "Drew and Benedict planned this out." "We knew how  much Abby missed you, so we decided to take a little vacation to Baltimore, but Abby told us you were heading to Charlotte, and here we are." Happy tears were in my eyes as Drew was talking. I'm happy that my best friend is here with me. I've been waiting to see her!! Benedict. His name was running through my mind, and I had to ask. "Where is he?" "Well. He was pretty tired. He's in the hotel with Victor at the moment." "I think we should all get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." Drew said, but then I said "I'm busy tomorrow with my family-" "Oh no you're not! I talked it out with your mom, and she is fine with the plan." Abby told me. I kept crying happy tears. "You're the best." 

-I wanted to add a chapter that didn't have an drama scene as you can say. I have news for you all. But I won't spill until the fanfic is over. Enjoy:D- 

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