"Hey Brosky. Were you sleeping? It's like 6 your time."

"Wha? Chloe?"

"Yeahhh. Did you have another sister?" she laughed.

"Shutup. I was napping. It's your fault."

"Rightttttt." She laughed again.

"What's up Chlo?"

"Nuthin. Just wanted to see how you are. What's new?"

"So, you wanted to butt in and get gossip?"

"Sounds about right?"

I laughed "Okay Chlo. Just ask."

"Did you work things out with Talon? Are you still dating that guy? Come onnnn. I need the gossip. I'm entirely too bored here without you."

I started laughing really hard "Nice Chlo. Well, you were right about one thing. He does want my bod."

"Ooooh la la." And then she realized "Ooooooooooohhhhhh."

"Yea. That's about it."

"Well? What happened?"

"He...uhh...he kissed me yesterday."

"WHAT?" she shrieked as I yanked the phone away from my ear.

"Jesus Chloe! I said he kissed me."

"I know! I heard you! What happened?"

"He just kissed me, and I left. I ended up at Ethan's, but I couldn't tell him. He'd be crushed. When I came back Talon was gone, said he'd be gone for a week in a note he left. That's it."

"That's it? You have to tell Ethan you know."

"I know, were going to dinner and I'm just going to have to be honest."

"Well I'm sorry bro."

"Yea. Me too. But I'm supposed to meet him in an hour. Wish me luck."

"Oh okay. Call me if you need to talk. Love you."

"Love you too Chlo. Bye." And I hung up. It was almost 7 so I decided to take another shower. I grabbed my towel and made my way to the showers down the hall.

As I was shampooing my hair, I realized I had no clue what to say to Ethan. I don't think "Hey Ethan, I sort of cheated on you and now we should probably break up because I think I might be falling for Talon." would go over thaaaaattt well. I was a flaming idiot. I guess I would just have to start from the beginning and be honest. He deserved that at least.

I finished rinsing and decided we should probably head over to his place after dinner to talk. I didn't want to cause anything in the restaurant. I didn't want to make it worse. Although, I don't that's possible at this point I thought bitterly.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel to dry off.

After I finished drying and brushing my teeth, I made my way back. I could dress in the room since Talon wasn't there.

I picked out a nice black button up and blue skinny jeans. Since my shirt was black, I decided on my purple vans. I styled my hair and put on some cologne. I grabbed my keys and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

I pulled up to the restaurant right at 8 o'clock and saw Ethan waiting at the entrance. He turned and smiled when he saw me. I met him at the door and kissed his cheek. "Hey E, sorry for the wait."

He laughed "It's okay, I'm used to it babe."

I winced inwardly when he called me babe. This wasn't going to be easy. We were seated 10 minutes later, and we order two waters before Ethan set his menu down.

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