Imagine Skinny Dipping With Rowena

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Warning: gets a lil smutty??

"Babe, I'm so fucking bored." You complain childishly, rolling over onto your stomach. You and Rowena are lying on a hotel bed, she's reading and you're just appreciating the grandeur of the place. She huffs and puts her book down, looking at you in annoyance.

"Well what the bloody hell d'ya want t'do!" Rowena snaps. You pout, your lip wobbling as you drop your gaze.

"We could do tons of stuff around here. Spa? Sauna? Skinny dipping?" You tease, partly joking as you watch for Rowena's reaction. She raises her eyebrows, considering it, when a smirk spreads across her face.

"Yeh know, there is a pool here..." Rowena begins, brushing hair out of your face and smiling deviously, her foul mood erased. You roll back over on your hands and knees on the bed as you smirk at the woman.

"Shit yeah! Is there some sort of spell you can do to make sure no one comes in?" You ask, sliding off the bed to find towels for you and Rowena. She hums in consideration.

"I mean... I could prob'ly do some sort of concealment spell on the door, but the workers might be an issue. I'll put an alarm spell near the pool, so if anyone comes by we have time to get away." Rowena decides, standing as well. The two of you tuck towels under your arms and make your way to the pool.

When you reach the lift and get in, the two of you are alone. Rowena looks at you devilishly before standing on her tippy toes to kiss you, pinning your body against the wall. You giggle against the softness of her lips, catching hold of her arms to steady her as the two of you kiss. The elevator chimes as the doors slide open, so you push away from Rowena hurriedly and try to look blasé as a group of old men crowds in. They get off at the floor below the pool- the floor containing conference rooms- and as soon as they're all gone you kiss Rowena again, taking her by surprise.

"Yeh little bugger." She snorts, pinching you gently on the arm. You pout and lead the way to the pool after the lift doors slide open. Rowena casts the spell as soon as the two of you pass through the sliding doors to the outdoor infinity pool, and you're already half naked when she turns around.

"Not chickening out on me?" You tease, unhooking your bra and throwing it at the surprised woman. Rowena snaps out of her brief trance and swats the bra away, unzipping her elegant dress and sliding it down her body. She's totally naked underneath, and all she needs to do before wading into the pool is slip out of her heels. You're the flustered one now, staring at the pale glimmer of your girlfriend's skin as she slips into the pool. Hurrying to strip, you jump straight into the rippling water, startling the hell out of your girlfriend who was trying to make a gradual entrance.

"God, yer a bloody menace!" Rowena complains, watching you kick around under the surface of the pool. You've always loved to swim, you're not super athletic but the feel of gliding through the water and the water on your skin just makes you so calm. You swim around to behind Rowena, grabbing her ankles. She screams out in surprise and kicks you in the face.

"Ow." You moan as you resurface, prodding your already tender cheek. Rowena splashes you indignantly, frowning irately.

"Yeh know yeh deserved that, sneaking up on me. Little bampot." She chastises, pulling your hand away from your face. "Dinnae be a baby, it's fine."

You forgive Rowena, unable to stay mad at her for something so trivial as you float over to her and kiss her softly.

"Love you." You say matter of factly, letting Rowena wade over to stand next to your floating body. She leans to kiss you, so you sit up and hold her waist as you kiss her passionately, letting your tongue slip into her mouth as her hands move to touch you softly.

"This is nice." You sigh, kicking away from your girlfriend as you float under the stars, illuminated by the blue lights in the walls of the swimming pool. Rowena swims over on her stomach, joining you as you rest on the edge of the infinity pool and look over the view of the brightly lit city.

"Aye." She nods, resting her face on her crossed arms. "We hardly get to relax together, I love spending time with yeh."

You blush, flattered, and lean to kiss her again. Rowena responds eagerly, her arms sliding around your neck as she kisses you, your bodies flush against each other. Because you're taller than Rowena (and let's be real, who isn't?), you have to stoop to kiss her, your breasts pressing against her collarbone. She whimpers as you press your thumb over her nipple, your toying with her breasts making her close her legs around one of yours.

"Fuck." She murmurs as you press your leg harder between hers, her eyebrows wrinkling in pleasure. You were ready to fuck her here and there, to sink your fingers into her and listen to her moan but at the exact moment the alarm from the spell she'd prepared blares loudly, startling the hell out of the two of you. Rowena yelps in surprise as you both run-swim out of the pool, barely grabbing your clothes and towels in time to escape rebuke from the hotel staff. Giggling and dripping wet, the two of you try to act normal as you stand in the lift to your room wrapped only in thick cotton towels and nothing else. Mercifully, no one sees the two of you as you sneak from the elevator to your room and you can't help but laugh hysterically once the door is closed.

"That was fun." You laugh, laying totally naked on the bed. Rowena, after drying herself, crawls onto the bed alongside you.

"Yer a bad influence." Rowena teases, leaning over you on her elbows. "Let's have a shower."

You follow her into the shower, rinsing the heady scent of chlorine from your skin. You're tiring quickly, due to the long day you'd had, so Rowena doesn't pressure you into anything sexual. Instead, she leads you back to the bed and helps you into a tank top and pyjama shorts before you collapse in exhaustion.

"Goodnight, darlin'." Rowena breathes as her hand drifts over your cheek. At the precipice of sleep, her voice swims through the clouds of your exhausted brain and you drift off with a smile on your face.

Rowena Imagines Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant