Imagine Rowena Drunk Dialling You

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You wake at 2:43 in the morning, your alarm clock flashing aggressive fluorescent numbers and your phone buzzing incessantly. Groaning loudly to no one, you let your hand grope around wildly on your bedside table until you reach your phone. Caller ID shows that Rowena is calling you, and you're simultaneously concerned and confused because she wouldn't call this early unless it was an emergency (beauty sleep and all that) but confused because you get the impression that she doesn't really like you. Your only interactions had been via the Winchesters, your brothers, and they weren't exactly on the greatest terms.

"(Y/N)....hey (Y/N)." She sighs, the sounds on the other end of the line giving you the impression she's just lain down. "'S goin' on?"

"Rowena? Are you..." she doesn't seem panicked, she's slurring her words and it sounds like she has her face in a pillow "...are you drunk?"

"Mm, maybe I am." She giggles, hitting her arm on the bed. "Owww. So how are ye then?"

Confused, but flattered, you shrug. "I'm fine. Nothing's really going on. So why are you drinking on a-" you check your phone, it's Thursday morning "-Wednesday night?"

"Jus' bored, I guess. Bit strange when nothin's tryna kill ye, hmm?" Rowena replies. You laugh at that, because it's true and maybe you like the sound of her accent when she's sleepy and drunk. Realising there's been a long silence, you quickly try to alert her.

"Rowena! Rowena, are you there?" You ask, vaguely weirded out at your concerned for her.

"Mmph, yeah, I'm here darlin'. Just-" she pauses to do a massive yawn "-jus' sleepy. I wanna go to bed." She complains, almost sounding like she's going to cry. You laugh to yourself.

"It's okay honey, you can go to sleep." You console her. You'd give anything to see her now- she probably has messed up hair, smudged makeup and wrinkled clothes but your heart still skips a beat whenever she talks. You wish you could care for her.

"Mm, thank you (Y/N). See you in the mornin'." You're confused further when she says that, because you don't have reason or plans to meet up but it might just be her instinct. Like that time you almost said "I love you" to the room service lady.

"Yeah, see you later Rowena. Take care of yourself." You hang up your phone and fall face first into your sheets, trying intensely to forget about your caring feelings for Rowena and get back to sleep.

You wake up naturally at 11 in the morning, and you have no work or meetings scheduled so you just wriggle further into your blankets and sigh in contentment. Your sigh turns to an annoyed groan when your phone starts to buzz, and Rowena's contact is on the screen again.

"Hey, Rowena. How's the hangover?" You smile, feeling a lot closer to her after last night's phone call.

"Non-existent. I may have devised a special little potion for this exact purpose." She sighs indulgently. "Anyway. I saw that I called you last night, and I wanted to tell you to forget anything I said."

You laugh out loud at that. "Rowena, it was fine. You didn't say anything particularly embarrassing. Besides, it's nice to know you think of me when you're drunk."

She huffs on the other end of the line. "Don't flatter yourself darlin', ye just the only person I know that doesn't want t'kill me."

You raise an eyebrow. "Well, I'll take it. For the record, you can drunk dial me anytime."

"Oh, shut up (Y/N). See you next time you need me to save ye." You're smiling stupidly as you hang up. Regardless of Rowena's dismissal, you feel pretty flattered. You'd be honoured if she ever drunk calls you again.

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