Chapter 7

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Okay, this has deleted itself about four times while writing and I'm getting annoyed.

Nothing interesting was about to happen with the last chapter, it's safe to honestly say I was too lazy to write anymore.

Soooo, I've probably procrastinated enough..


*arriving at the airport* *Spencer's POV*

I picked up Jasmine as we got out of the car and she stirred but didn't fully wake, "Jasmine? Jasmine wake up, we're at the airport..."

At the sound of the word airport her eyes shot open and she basically jumped out of my hold, suddenly very hyper. "IS AUNTIE KENSI AND DEEKS ALMOST HERE?" Then grabbing both me and Abby, and dragging us into the airport to wait for then to arrive.

*5 minutes before they arrive, about 20 minutes later*

Jasmine had fallen sleep again, and I could see the flight was just now coming in, Abby had gone to get Caf-POW! from somewhere, and I was debating wether to wake her or not, but she woke up herself when Abby came back over in her usual hyper way, accidentally waking her while bouncing about from probably too much Caf-POW!. And just in time, as the announcement sounded, saying that the flight had arrived, I picked up Jasmine, and we walked over so we could be seen easily when they arrived. I could see the excitement in the small girls eyes, and it was probably just tiredness keeping her from bouncing about.

"I SEE THEM!" Jasmine screamed right in my ear, deciding not to bring it up, I looked over to where she was pointing, seeing the people we saw on the screen earlier, except they seemed to stand a lot closer together. I followed Abby, who was already on her way over, to go to them.

I awkwardly passed Jasmine over to Kensi not saying a word letting Abby talk about whatever Abby was talking about. A few minutes later I saw Kensi shoot me a confused glance while she was trying to listen to Abby, I shrugged mouthing "one too many Caf-POW!'s..."

*After Kensi & Deeks have went back to LA bc they never went to the DC NCIS bit ya get me? But Spencer and Abby have went back to NCIS bit*

I was shattered from the whole hyper three-year-old thing, and I honestly could've fallen asleep the second I got back to Abby's lab, immediately sitting in a corner pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my head in them.

I jumped when Abby put her music on, getting a fright from the sudden beat and I heard Abby laughing at me but I was too sleepy to do anything about it.


okay guys, this was super short but uhm. I may start a Densi fic but I'm not really certain yet. (that would obviously also have Neric in it._.)

also, I kinda might change this one to have Bishop in it, cause I love Ellie, but it's up to youse? (I'm sorry for improper English...)

so uh yeah guys, it's been a little while but my motivation was somewhere near the core of the earth. (it was low)


Also I finally have enough to pre-order Multiply and get other Ed Sheeran stuff x)

Feedback is loved always. I'm so sorry for my updating guys..

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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