One-Shot Asian Quotes

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"Did you eat yet? You should eat more."

"If at first you don't succeed, don't come back home."

"Your sister got an A- on math test? Congratulations, you're the only child now."

*Reads daughter's transcript* *Disowns her for getting an F in gender*

"You forget to study? I forget to feed you." (but of course they still overfeed you like even if you are halfway across the world)

*Age 1-20* "You get pregnant, you ded." *21-∞* "Where my grandkids at."

"Don't be silly, I don't need you to be a doctor or a lawyer when you grow up. I EXPECT YOU BE BOTH NOW!"

"Calculator? Way too slow for me."

"Dad, I want to be an Actor." "Son, it's pronounced Doctor."

"Sing alphabet like this- A, A, A, A, A..."

"We move to Canada. They say A."

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