The Lion and the Ram

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OMG, this could be taken as hybrids or furries... Take your pick and hold on for the ride. (And yes I totally made this a play on a certain quote from a certain story only I messed it up with my crazy brain) Sorry not sorry :O

Mr. Leonard

He was a classy piece of work, I had to give him that. Tall and thin, he made the most of his looks with a crisp black suit and stark white linen. It made his black face and white hair stand out that much more in the office. Not sure how he managed to keep that cloud of white so clean on top of his head in such a dingy city. He was the most immaculate sheep I had ever seen, and the fiercest too.

The title Manager of Accounting meant he wasn't afraid to hunt you down if your numbers were wrong. People would have listened with or without the twisted set of horns that framed his handsome face. He was coldly beautiful and sharply condescending at times, which made my gut twist in an emotion somewhere between respect and hatred.

Like right now as he stood in front of my desk peering down at me over his clipboard. "Mr. Leonard, this is the fourth time this week your sales team has sent contracts with miscalculations down to my people. I really think you need to have a chat with them. We can provide calculators to anyone who needs them if it's about mathematics" He didn't sound condescending now and his face was blank, making it hard to take his words as anything but a bold inquiry.

"I don't think that's the case but I will be sure to speak to them. I apologise for the inconvenience, Mr. Stone." I stood from my seat, taller than him by a head and probably twice as broad. He stepped back, probably unconsciously, and hesitated when I stuck my tan hand out to shake. He took it awkwardly and I smiled. He didn't meet my eyes and pulled away quickly with a clearing of the throat. A big cat like me must make him nervous.

"Not a problem. It's my job." He said simply before leaving. I frowned at the sheaf of papers now back on my desk and collected them in my hands to inform the salespeople they would have to resubmit. A familiar name was in the pile and I sighed heavily. I headed there first to get it over with. Mr. Wolfe was furiously scribbling on his notepad, a studious frown set on his face. I cleared my throat and stood back as he nearly leapt from his seat in an effort to attend me.

"Mr. Leonard! Hi. Er, what can I do for you?" His big brown eyes looked at me eagerly and I smiled kindly before reprimanding him. He really did try so hard, it made me feel bad when I had to correct him.

"Good afternoon Mr. Wolfe. I'm afraid there was an adding error on your documents for accounting again. Try to remember what I said, it's not about speed here, it's about accuracy so we don't hold up other departments. Which then makes us faster." I watched his ears droop slightly at the scolding. I patted his back and left it at that.

"Yes, Mr. Leonard, I will try to check more carefully next time." He replied sadly.

"I know you will." I said before moving on to the next salesperson. He would be far harder on himself than I was just now, I had overheard him one time in the restroom giving himself a scolding in the mirror. I stopped at Mrs. Hensworth's desk and handed her two sheets back while she sent me a sheepish look. I gave her a sterner lecture since she had been in the department for four more years than Mr. Wolfe.

By the time I was done with my salespeople, and had gotten through the stack that had piled up on my desk while I was out, it was getting quite late in the afternoon. I watched through my open door as the sales cubicles began to slowly empty. Ms. O'Hare waved as she walked past, swishing her long ear over her shoulder seductively but I ignored it. She asked me out for coffee once early on and I had politely declined since I was undeniably gay.

My head roused at a knock on the door, surprising me since it was open. A pair of brown eyes looked hesitantly inside, followed by a blue shirt, navy tie and slacks. I watched him come in and close the door more behind him, then grabbing the end of his tail nervously as he stood before my desk. I wanted to wince at the way he pulled at the grey hairs.

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