[2] .。*゚+.*.。 The Dog  ゚+..。*゚+

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╭━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╮
May 27th
╰━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╯

"Hey, Ayumi, are you coming to the beach or not?" You question your sister from down the stairs, awaiting for her response.

"No! I want to enjoy my first day of summer vacation at home!"

"Okay, i'm taking the car! Tell our grandparents that i'm taking Ena with me! I'll be home in a couple hours or so!"

"Okay! I'll try to have lunch ready by the time your back. Have fun, see you later!"

As soon as you open the door to leave, Ena pulls you out of the house with force to race to the car. She is a Great Dane, so she has a lot of strength. It was more of her taking you to the car than the other way around.

The backseat door was opened and the dog hops right into it. You get into the drivers seat and turn the engine on, immediately rolling down the windows to let out the excess heat baking the both of you.

Damn, it's hot out today.

Ena doesn't hesitate to stick her head out of the window right away. You love watching her enjoy herself while driving through the suburbs of Tokyo.

After a bit of a drive and some road rage, the two of you arrived. Ena ends up walking you from the parking lot since her excitement couldn't be contained nor could you control it. You can't blame her. You both are in love with the beach. It's where you have both always spent your summers.

You manage to find a spot in the sand farther away from people. She loved to run around so you wanted to give her a spot to be able to do so without disturbing others.

The spot ended up being near a net with a team of sweaty boys playing volleyball. You made eye contact with one who looked like he had just rolled out of bed. You smiled at him as a silent hello and turned back to Ena who was acting sporadically.

You disconnected the leash from her harness and she dashed straight to the water. She played around while you set up camp for the two of you, glancing every so often to make sure she isn't causing trouble or going too far.

You sat down on the blanket you laid down and took off your cover up to reveal your bikini. You peered over once again to the volleyball game from earlier.

They are really good.

All of a sudden, you see Ena spring into the air and bop the ball with her mouth which was an attempt to catch it. Once it landed onto the sand, she took it in her mouth and began to run away.

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