Freddy x Bonnie Nuptial

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Today is a special day. The most awaited and exciting day, The Nuptial of Freddy and Bonnie. Freddy, Bonnie and the gang woke up early to be prepared for the wedding

Freddy: I'm so nervous, Brother *fixing his tuxedo and bowtie*
Golden Freddy: You don't have to be so nervous, just stay calm and be happy, it will be fine
Freddy: Thanks......Well, how do I look?
Foxy: Aye ya' look great Freddy on that tuxedo
Golden Freddy: You look handsome
Freddy: Thanks guys

Springtrap: I'm very happy for you, Bonnie. I can't believe that my sister is getting married
Bonnie: Thanks, Sis
Chica: Let's put on your gown, Bonnie
Bonnie: Okay

A few minutes later, Freddy, Golden Freddy, and Foxy were at the church waiting for the girls to come

Golden Freddy: Just remember what I said, stay calm and be happy, Okay?
Freddy: Okay, Brother I got it
Foxy: Here they come!
Golden Freddy: Okay, Goodluck
Freddy: *inhales/exhales* Okay

When the door opens, he saw Bonnie walking at the aisle slowly

Freddy's Thoughts
Wow! She looks beautiful in that wedding gown that's why I love her very much *tears of joy*

Bonnie: Freddy, why are you crying?
Freddy: I'm not. *sniffs* I'm just happy that we're getting married.
Bonnie: Me too. You look handsome
Freddy: Thanks, You look pretty on that gown
Bonnie: Thank you

Priest: Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here for this important moment of their lives. BRIDE and GROOM have chosen this setting in which to be married because it provides an appropriate backdrop for the public affirmation of their love. They decide that they will face the fears that are a necessary part of establishing and nurturing an intimate relationship.


Priest: Do you, Freddy Fazbear, take Bonnie the Bunny as your lovely wedded wife, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?
Freddy: I do
Priest: Do you, Bonnie the Bunny, take Freddy Fazbear as your lovely wedded husband, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?
Bonnie: I do
Priest: I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride, congratulations.
Freddy: *removes Bonnie's veil* I Love You, Bonnie <3
Bonnie: I Love You too, Freddy <3
Freddy and Bonnie: *kiss*
All: *a round of applause*
Golden Freddy: Way to go, Freddy!
Chica: Congrats guys!
Freddy: *hugs Bonnie* I'm so happy *tears of joy*
Bonnie: Me too, Freddy *hugs Freddy as well*

The next day...

Springtrap or Spring Bonnie, Golden Freddy, Foxy and Chica accompanied Freddy and Bonnie to the airport

Freddy: I'm so excited for our honeymoon, honey
Bonnie: I can't wait. Where are we planning to go?
Freddy: I was thinking we can go to South Korea
Bonnie: OMG! Korea is one of my favorite destinations, Thank you, Honey *hugs Freddy*
Freddy: Your welcome *kisses her forehead*
Bonnie: Come on, Let's go inside
Chica: Have fun!
Golden Freddy: See you guys!
Springtrap: Bye, Sis!
Foxy: Aye Have fun with your trip!
Freddy and Bonnie: *waves* *goes inside the plane with Freddy*
Bonnie: How long we will have to wait until this plane lands?
Freddy: It will take 18 hours for us to wait
Pilot: Fasten your seatbelts, everyone. The airplane will start in 2 minutes
Freddy: I'm so excited, Honey *holds Bonnie's hands*
Bonnie: I can't wait *leans to Freddy's shoulder*
Pilot: Commencing Airplane, Start

As the Airplane starts going up in the sky, Freddy and Bonnie were watching a comedy film named Despicable Me 2

Bonnie: Look at those minions, Honey. They look cute and funny
Freddy: *chuckles* I know

After 18 hours...
Freddy: Well, we're here
Bonnie: Korea! I love in here! Thanks for bringing me here, Honey *hugs Freddy*
Freddy: *hugs Bonnie back* Come on, honey. Let's grab a taxi
Bonnie: There it is. Taxi!
Driver: Where do you want to go, Sir?
Freddy: Take us to Park Hyatt
Driver: Alright, Get in
Freddy: Come on, Honey
Bonnie: Okay

Freddy: Annyeonghaseyo!
Information Personel: Annyeonghaseyo!
Freddy: I need a room for two
Information Personel: Wait, Sir......Your room Sir is at Room 143, 3rd Floor. Here's your keys. Enjoy your stay
Freddy: Kamsahamnida! Come on, honey!
Bonnie: I'm impressed, honey. When did you learn how to speak in korean?
Freddy: 2 weeks ago
Bonnie: That's awesome

Freddy: I hope you like in here, Bonnie
Bonnie: I don't like it, I love it. Thanks to you, Freddy
Freddy: I love you, Honey <3
Bonnie: I love you too, Honey <3

They both kissed passionately and they stayed in Korea for 1 month

To be continued...

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