Chapter 21

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Kacey's P.O.V.

After we break from our hug, we all kinda stand there not sure what to do. "I think it's a certain little munchkin's bed time." Mom says smiling down at Chloe. "No not yet." She whines sticking out her lower lip. "What if all your big bothers and sisters read you a story?" Mom asks comprimising with her. "Yeah baby!" She yells excitedly grabbing me and Billy's hand and dragging us up the stairs. The others follow in suit. "What book should we read Chloe?" Phoebe asks standing by the book shelf.  "Make up one." Chloe giggles snuggling under her blankets. "Umm how do we do that?" Billy asks confused. "How about this. Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Madam Chloe." Max starts. "And she had a faithful butler named sir Maxingham." I continued smirking at Max's face. "And of course the brave knights Billis and Noria." Nora says jumping on to the ottoman and posing like a statue. "One day the ugly witch Phoebath cursed the candy kingdom. So it was all vegtables." Billy says. Chloe gasps in horror. "Wait a second why am I the bad guy?" Phoebe asks in confusion. "Because you make a very convincing witch. Plus you have the nose for it." Max says smirking. Chloe erupts into a fit of giggles. "So of course the princess must fix the terrible curse that had over come her candy kingdom. She sends her butler to fetch the best knights she has." I say continuing the story. "He walked out to the stables where found them tending to their giant frogs." Billy adds "What no they're unicorns." Nora says to Billy matter of factly. "What about a giant frog with a magical horn, and they leave trails of slime." Billy says bouncing up and down excitedly on the bed. "Eww that's yucky." Chloe says poking Billy's nose. "Not as yucky as you." Billy says poking her ticklish spots and she squeals. "How about good old fashion horses?" I offer. "Fine but mine is wearing a blue bow." Nora says. "Anyway Maxingham tells them that the princess requests their presence immediately." Phoebe continues. "They knew just who to call. She is an old wizard who lives in a hat." Billy says. "Why a hat?" I ask giving him a weird look. "Because I said it was a hat." Billy says smugly. "Fine anyway, the princess sends the two knights and Sir Maxingham to find the unknown wizard." Nora says. "She is roumored to be the best wizard of all time." Max adds. "But the forest they must cross is filled with ogors and demons that eat people souls." Max says darkly. "I don't want them to eat my soul." Chloe cries burying her head into my shoulder. "No, no, no, the forest is filled with fairies and sprites." Phoebe says shooting Max a disapproving look. "Yeah Fairies and Sprites that burp chocolate." Max says sitting next to Chloe. "Are you sure?" She asks looking up at Max. "Of course I'm sure I'm making up the story." Max says gently. "Okay them what happens." She asks looking at us. "Ahh then the stumble across a gaint fedora." I says quickly. "'Hurry get inside the fairies and sprites are farting bubble gum today.' She says to the group." Billy says in an old lady voice. "Farting bubble gum?" Chloe laughs." We all smile as her laughing becomes contagious. "'So what you folks need I've got all the types of jerky in the world.' She says in western accent." Nora says trying to do a country accent. "' Actually Ma'am we didn't come for jerky.' Sir Maxingham says to the Wizard. 'We hoped you would give us a potion.' He tells her." Max says. "'Well I haven't made a potion in a long time.' She says stroking her chin. 'What kind would you need?' She asks." Phoebe says using a western voice. Chloe giggles. Max lifts her into his arms a spins her around. "'Do you by any chance have a potion that turns back a vegtable curse?' Billis as the wizard." I says using a deep grumble voice. Max is still bouncing around the room with Chloe. "Stop it Max." She says out of breath. "Max stop we are supposed to get her to sleep not keep her awake by bouncing off the walls." Phoebe scolds Max. "Aww Phoebe your no fun." Max sighs setting Chloe next to me on the bed. She snuggles up to me and waits for us to continue the story. "'I don't believe I have made a potion like the one you require in a long time.' The wizard replies." Nora says doing the country accent again. "'Well do you think you could make one?' Billis asks. 'We need to stop the evil Phoebath before she ruins the entier candy kingdom. Orders directly from Princess Chloe.' He tells the wizard." Billy says continuing the story plopping down on the giant bean bags tiredly. "' It's not that I can not make one it has simply been a long time since I have made one.' The wizard informs the group." Phoebe says laying her head on the pillows. "'So can you make the potion we need or not?' Maxingham asks the wizard impatiently." Max says laying down at the foot of the bed. "'Of course I can make the potion I just require some ingredients I need you to collect.' The wizard says. 'A cup of water from the babbling brook, a strip of bark from father oak, and a cake from your local bakery.' The wizard informs them." Nora says flopping down on the attuman. I feel my eyes start to close but I force myself to stay awake. "Max it's your turn." I say kicking his head lightly. "The trio sets out to find the three ingredients. First they come across the babbling brook. Which basicly just talks about stuff no one cares about." Max says closing his eyes again. "'Ahh Mr. Babbling brook we were just wondering if we could have a cup of your water.' Noria asks the brook which happened to be talking about how wax was made. 'If you want a cup of my sparkling water you have to listen to what I have to say.' The brook says to the trio. 'Well we just listened to like three minutes of stuff about bee wax.' Sir Maxingham says annoyed to be talking to water. 'Well then can you tell me what I just said?' asks the brook. 'What no we weren't actually paying attention.'  Billis says. 'Well then you don't listen very well.' The brook says." I say. Looking around the dimly lit room I see that I am the only one still up. Max is passed out at the foot of the bed. Billy is asleep in the bean bags it looks like they are engulfing him. Nora is snoring on the ottoman her foot in Billy's face. And Phoebe and Chloe are praticly laying on eachother. Smiling to myself I close my eyes and welcome the darkness it brings knowing when I wake up they will still be there.

A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I last updated but I had some writer's block. I got inspiration from the Phoebehood epsiode on the real show. But I still hoped you enjoyed. Please vote and comment.

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