||Chapter 1||

289 8 26

Trigger warning abuse

Anthony's PoV

I can't believe it. I was chosen for Hamilton. It was a dream come true. Now I could get money and afford to leave my house. Speaking of house I should have been back 20 minutes ago. Shit class overran.

I sprinted like a madman back to my house. 25 minutes late. Oh god no. I unlocked the door to see my father standing in the hall. Fuck.

'Where the hell were you?' He asked me angrily, he hands curling into fists.

'Class overran and I didn't realise how late it was.' I stuttered but it was no use. He fist came hurling towards my jaw. I cried out in pain as I fell to the floor. My cry only enraged him further.

'Real men would suck it up.' He said as he punched me in the eye. I tried to stop it but a small cry made its way out of my mouth.

'Bastard. How can you be my son.' He said as he began to kick me. I curled up in a ball as he punched and kicked me all over while screaming about how much of a disappointment I was. Eventually he grew tired. He yanked me up but the collar of my shirt and slapped me round the face.

'Don't be late home next time.' He spat at me. Had slapped me again and then walked off.

I limped up to my bedroom and checked my phone for any new messages. There was one from Lin, the director of Hamilton.

Lin: hey Anthony rehearsals start at 1 2morrow . Don't worry I emailed ur college and sorted it all out. I need 2 talk 2 u b4 rehearsals so I'll pick u up at 12. Is that okay.

I quickly replied.

Anthony: yeah that cool see u 2morrow. Do u remember where.

After a minute I got a reply

Lin: yeah see u 2morrow

I was glad that Lin knew about me still being in college because that made the show so much easier if he was sorting stuff out with the school.

I heard my dad calling me from downstairs so I quickly hurried down to see him standing in the living room.

'I will be home late tomorrow night but I will know if you are late home. Do you understand me?' He asked

'Yes father,' I responded.

'Good now get out of my sight.'

I made my way up to my room. Luckily I didn't have any coursework so I just got ready for bed. I lay there thinking about tomorrow. I couldn't believe I was in Hamilton. I fell asleep dreaming of Alexander Hamilton and Oreos.



There u r first chapters up

Eleanor xx

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