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Chapter 1

It was a long boring day,waiting for the endless  road trip to end at the destination ,too bad that mom or dad won't tell me."367...368...369...370, three hundred seventy cars" I counted . "You can stop counting cars now Jeff " mom insisted." Then what shall I do o QUEEN OF BOREDOM " I replied. Then I saw a sign,"HILL VALLEY " I read out loud ."mom ,dad ,are we going there?" I asked , "yes son" dad replied .Soon ,we were driving into a driveway, and there was a man with white hair and a white lab coat with a nametag that said doctor Emmet Brown . " here's the $200 for the car for the day." "Okay but I must warn you that if you make a mistake it could destroy all of time and space "doc Brown warned . Then we hopped out of the car and went in the other car."How fast do we have to go to have the car do it's magic?" dad asked doc Brown .
"85 miles per hour." "Okay " .Then we drove 85 Mph.Then we weren't there any more, the I-pad clock said it was the 1980's and it was 8:00 A.M . . Also we were still driving. Soon we were at the HILL VALLEY ARCADE . Then we went in .Then we went in .dad hands me 12 quarters "enjoy the fun while it lasts "dad then had said.We had some fun for a few minutes but then Biff had came in and walked toward me."Move out of the way Butthead !" He had said while shoving me into a teenage boy .

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