Chapter 10- Sam (Edited)

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A/N: I just love drama. Don't you? Just... not when it is with me and my life....


I kept my eyes trained on the young Wolf before me. Sweat glistened on my body, trying to cool my overheated body. My breath came out in short pants, but I did not show the Wolf that I was tired.

The young Wolf paced this way and that, limping from an injury that I had given him. He tried to find an opening, a way to defeat me, but he hadn't found anything yet. He flicked his ears this way and that, and I knew that he was waiting for his father to say that we could end or for me to say that he was "dead", whichever came first.

"Don't show the fact that you are limping, Young Prince," I warned. "That is a weakness that others can use against you." I took a step forward, causing Cason to move back. My shoulder was hurting from where Cason had pulled it out of its socket, but I made sure that he didn't know.

Cason lifted his lip, showing teeth. He was getting annoyed, and I knew that it was because he wanted to defeat me. He had thought he would have the upper hand because he was in Wolf form and I was in human, but that proved to be his flaw. He had been cocky, which lead me to get a couple of hits on him.

"Don't lift your lip at me," I warned. "You were the one that became cocky." I ducked underneath Cason and kicked him into the air. I twisted around and watched as Cason fell into a tree.

"And, I thought you said that you were here to "protect" us," I heard Sheamus say from somewhere to my left. "If so, then why are you attacking the Prince?"

I gritted my teeth together and tried to ignore him, because I knew that if I didn't, then I would attack him. I grabbed Cason's paw and flipped him before putting my foot on his throat and started to take some air out of his lungs. "Dead," I said before letting him up and letting him breathe. I rubbed my shoulder and sighed.

Cason got up and nudged my shoulder. He whined, and I could see the worry in his eyes. He tried to link me, but I kept my wall up, not wanting to be bothered. Cason glared in annoyance, and I could tell that he was wanting me to let down my wall.

"Don't give me that look. I am in fine," I said, even though we both knew that I wasn't. "We are done for today. You are getting better, but your ego is going to get you killed."

The King snorted, and I knew that he was amused. He walked over to us and patted me on the shoulder. "All of us have egos," he said. "It is in our genes."

"Which is why I hate being a Prince sometimes," Garrett said coming over to us with his mate. He scowled when I snorted because he was wearing a cute, "girly" shirt that he would have been caught in otherwise. "Now, I know that this is your idea. I hate you."

"No one can hate me," I said, trying hard not to laugh. "You look pretty good, though I think you should've worn skinny jeans with it."

Garrett scowled but didn't say a word. He pulled at the shirt and glared at Sheamus when he tried to taunt him. 'Can I punch him in the face?' he asked, linking me. 'I really want to.'

'So, do I,' I replied. I gritted my teeth and stared at the Alpha before me. "Did you want to have a go?" I asked. "We are on the training fields." I gestured for Cason to move out of the way and stepped back into the circle. I popped my shoulder back into place before checking to make sure that everything was alright.

"Why? So you can get your ass kicked by me?" Sheamus asked. He glanced around to see that the other Alpha's had gathered around us. "Do you hear that?" he asked. "She thinks that she can defeat me."

Cason grabbed some shorts from a Warrior and went behind the trees. He came out and looked at Sheamus. His eyes were hard, and I could see the anger in them. "No, what is funny that you think that you can beat her," he spat. "I even have problems with defeating her, and that is only because her training was a lot harder than mine."

"Then, you are not in a position to lead," Sheamus said. He shook his head. "What a shame. I thought you would be."

Cason tried to attack but was stopped by me using my powers. He stared at me, and I could see that he was fighting his wolf. He backed off when I smirked, knowing full well that I was going to teach Sheamus a lesson that he will never forget.

"Then, how about we have a mock duel?" I asked. I let Cason down. "Correct me if I am wrong, but you think that you can defeat me, right? I mean, I am injured and tired, so I should be an easy target for you." I ignored Thomas's growl.

Sheamus smirked and walked into the ring. "Deal," he said. "No powers."

"Both can be in Wolf form, and no powers," I confirmed. "Oh, and one more thing..." I smirked. "If you ever try to pull something like this again, then I will challenge you for your pack."

Sheamus paused, his face pale. He made sure that his emotions were in checked and smirked. "Deal," he said. And, with that, he shifted into his Wolf form and waited the King to say that the fight had begun.  

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