Ch.7 | Pokéstar Studios

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Hugh allowed Rosa to get back on her feet before they stared lovingly into each other's eyes. Their clothes had changed to a suit and tie and a wedding dress respectively. As soon as the wedding theme died down, everyone looked expectantly to the marriage officiant.

Shifting around on the six-foot tall chair, Rina looked up from the huge book in her hands and cleared her throat. 'We are gathered here today to witness the union of Prince Hugh and Princess Rosa in holy macaroni!' She continued with "blah blah blah" then slammed her book shut. 'You may now nuzzle your mate!'

Unsurprisingly, the two weren't going to do that. They leaned in for a kiss, then, suddenly, the ground started to shake violently. Everyone was nearly thrown off their feet.

"What's going on?!" Rosa, snapped out of the moment, glanced around while holding on to Hugh's hand. Their surroundings grew cold and everything started to become encased in ice, turning a dull gray-ish color. "Guys?!" She looked to the side to find that her friends were as frozen as everything else, even Hugh. The brunette yanked her hand out of his, wincing at the sight of his hand shattering, before bringing her attention forward.

A dragon climbed its way up the castle and onto the balcony, causing it to groan under the weight. Rosa choked on a gasp when the frozen figure of Rina broke during the dragon's movements. Finally acknowledging the human, it towered over her, lowering its head to peer into her soul with bright, yellow eyes.

Rosa sat up in bed quicker than one could say "what". Her breathing was heavy as her lungs demanded large quantities of air, and the girl's long brown hair stuck to her face due to the fear sweat. "What... in the world?" She uttered, finally calming down. How did a silly dream turn into THAT?

The brunette sat quietly for a minute or two with her face in her hands. She still had this knot in her stomach because of this dream, and it didn't help that she could still see the dragon's eyes – which were etched into her mind. With a sigh, Rosa checked the time, seeing that she had an hour before the time she originally planned to wake up at. 'I'll just take this time to do my hair.' She smiled over at her pokémon, who were asleep at the foot of the bed, then carefully got off to head toward the bathroom.

Aside from Hugh and everyone else, seeing Hilda trapped in ice really didn't sit well with Rosa, but she was unsure as to why. She opted to focus on how warm and happy she had felt with her cousin showing up in her dream, having never dreamt of her before, whilst going about the beginning of the day. She was glad to have at least gotten to see Hilda again, even if it was only in a dream.

Rina stared at Jano and Yomo with admiration on their way to the front desk of the Pokémon Center. 'I can't wait to evolve too!'

"Then you'll be twice the trouble..." Rosa muttered, rubbing the leftover sleep from her eyes. She made an attempt to get the nightmare out of her mind but to no avail. Hopefully it didn't hinder her battle against the gym leader.

Nurse Joy beamed at the girl when she arrived. "Ah, there you are! Growlithe is feeling much better now!"

Rosa brightened up - now the nightmare was out of her mind. "Really?! May I see him?!" Her pokémon were patiently, yet eagerly, awaiting to meet the other one.

As if summoned, Audino wheeled out the gurney carrying Growlithe. "But he's still sad. No amount of food or toys seem to cheer him up..." Nurse Joy regarded the pokémon with sympathy.

"Well... come on, Shisa." The Growlithe tilted his head upon hearing the name. "Let's go find your mom! I don't care how long it takes until then!" Shisa stared into the human's blue eyes, that seemed to hold many emotions, before finally shaking his head. "Huh?" Rosa frowned.

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