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Mitch's POV
Here we are performing the next song we perform is cheerleader by OMI. Any song about any girl I'm thinking about only one person and that's Khia. I look down to the ground and the crowd starts to quite down  I look back up and  say into the micro phone

"I'm sorry everyone there is just one person I can't stop thinking about. I wish she was here with me right here and right now. And singing cheerleader to as we speak cause she was always there for me when I was down or not. She was there"

I cry and say "I would like to dedicate this song to Khia god I miss you so much"

We start singing the song and during the whole song all I could ever think about is her. I bet Scott is too

As the song comes to an end and finish up the show we bow down to the crowd and head off of the stage. Everyone just looks at me and I say "I'm sorry but I can't stop thinking about her. She hurt herself bad and now look where she is. I don't I can ever recover from this broken heart of mine. I wish I could do something for it to end"

Kevin says "I have an idea I been where she's at Mitch to speak to the self harmed and other people. If I give the company a call and schedule a day to go over and talk to these new individuals they could think twice and do better again. And maybe Khia will be back in all of our arms again. Definitely yours for sure Mitch. Who's with me?"

I stand and wipe my tears and say "I'm with you" Kirstin and Avi and Scott join in "let's do this" we all smile and Kevin goes and makes the call.


Kevin comes in and yells "wake up sleepy heads" we all wake up and Scott grunts out "few more hours would be nice" he comes out of his bunk and heads our way. Kevin says "I been scheduled for today over at the center of the self harmed at 5:00. Let's get showered and dressed and let's grab some breakfast" we all cheered weakly cause our bodies still so tired.


As we head that way I look out the window and cry to myself.

As we reach our destination we head into the building and then we enter this room and sit and wait til the patients come in

Kevin's POV
As the people come in and I say "hello friends my name is Kevin and I am here to talk to all of you"

As they sit I say "I brought my friends here with me today" I point to each of them and say their names. My eyes land on Khia and I look at Mitch and nod my head towards Khia's direction.

His eyes land on hers and he smiles I then say "so do any of you want to start off by sharing your stories. You don't have to if you don't want to share"

All of them had shared their stories but just not Khia she sighs stands and says

She cries and says "my names Khia and I struggle a lot. I'm always causing me pain emotionally and physically. People tried to help me but I pushed them away and just did my thing. I cut and tried to kill my self multiple times. I did have a boyfriend he tried and tried and tried to help me but I refused and blamed him and everyone and anyone around me. I remember one day I didn't go to school one day and just stayed home. People did love me three of them and only three who happens to be in this room they were the only ones who loves me. I don't know if they still do. I stayed home and I hung my self I tried to end my life. The next thing I woke up in a hospital bed and the person right next to me was my boyfriend at the time. I wish I could stop this drinking and self harming that I been doing. I want it to end and go back to way things were. I broke up with my boyfriend for no reason and pushed myself away from him. I want him back I can't breathe without him I want my old life back. But I don't know I just don't"

She has us all in tears mitch stands and goes over to her and smashes his lips to hers and says "I want you back too I can't breathe without you. You are the air I breathe" they kiss again she cries and so does he.

Everyone stands and applauds she says with tears still spilling out of her eyes "I'm sorry Mitch for what I have done to you" he has tears spilling out to and says "don't be sorry and your forgiven" they hug

I finish up the session we all go up to the reception desk and say "we are done can I check out my friend Khia. We want her out" the guy nod and hands me release forms and says "are you a parent or a guardian?"

Mitch lies by saying "she's my fiancé" the men hands us the form and we sign it

Mitch picks her up bridal style and we head out

He lied to just get me out of that prison I really don't need this kind of treatment.

He puts me in his bunk and he gets in and cuddles with me. I then put my head on his chest and say "why?"

He then says "I love you and you deserve to be treated right. I need you back in my life" I kiss his chin and say "thank you"

We kiss and fall into a deep sleep

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