1 minute later through flu i was at hermione's. I said hi to her parents and rushed up the stairs to her room. When i opened the door i saw a counter full of makeup , brushes ,eyeliner, mascara, different kinds of primer, concealers and god knows what else. I walked in and as soon as i put a foot inside she bustled me in and threw me into a chair and then she told me what look i was going for. I told her i was going for a elegant royal look. So she was off seeing what shade of primer and concealer plus base  matched my skin tone. Then applying and coating with setting powder. Finally she was done after what felt like ages but was really 15 minutes. I looked at my reflection in the mirror it was perfect It was natural yet elegant looking i loved it i thanked her. She said that she would go with me to the burrow to finish up there and do up my hair and help me with everything. I accepted and off we went to the burrow.

Harry's P.O.V

At Privet Drive

Harry was bustling around saying bye to his aunt and uncle in avery grumpy manner as the left for a one month vacation to who knows where. After they left he then proceeded to apparate to the mall to buy a nice suit for tonight. He took out his list of thing he needed to buy.

1. Suit

2.popcorn and treats

3. Hair gel as his hair was really stubborn.

4. A arrangement of red and pink tulips.

So off I was to buy things and then hurry back before it was time to pick ginny up. It only took me two minutes to find the first store then 5 minutes to pick a suit. The off I was to the supermarket. Then to the hair section of the mall and then off he was to his home. Back at home I set the whole place up starting with the tv room getting  a inflatable mattress down and blowing it up, some pillows,blankets. Then to the kitchen to set the plates and sort the treats which consisted off popcorn sweet and salty, nachos, potato chips, dipping sauce, and then sweets. I also brought down an extra bed incase she wanted to sleep in a separate bed. Then I brought down a bunch of movies ranging from romance all the way to horror. So then i proceeded to take a shower and get changed as i had to be over at her house in 2 hours. Before i got in the shower i decided to call the restaurant to check on my reservation and to see if they had my special request ready. I had requested for them to bring out an anniversary cake crested with the date and a picture of a tower looking out to the stars because that is where we met and the date we met. It was our 5 month anniversary. So now that everything was ready i proceeded to shower and dress and be out the door not forgetting to lock it.

Ginny's P.O.V

So she was ready and was all dressed up with her hair done and makeup in place all she needed was to be picked up. Hermione had left  a few minutes ago and the family was upstairs watching a movie. I knew i was forgetting something but what? Oh yeah harry's anniversary gift. She had bought him a new broom as he was a quidditch player. She just hoped he did not forget about their anniversary. Just then there was a knock on the door and she rushed down stairs to open the door. Standing there an inch from the closed door she wondered to herself (Do I look pretty?) She opened the door and  there he was standing tall and confident with a black suit on. He greeted her.  "You look great Ginny!" I complimented him back as he did look great in that suit. Together they both walked to the car and they were off. In the car ride to the restaurant he said happy anniversary Ginny. Thank you Harry happy anniversary to you too.I bought you something i said and he only raised his eyebrows and said you didn't have too. How could i not after you booking us dinner and preparing all this night i thought it would only be fair if i did something for you to show you my gratitude and love. Just then they arrived  to the restaurant. She realized she made the right decision with her dress. When we entered the whole restaurant was black and gold not fake gold but real gold. The sat down at their table and ordered.I told him about my day and the rush to get ready and he told me about his. Although he was very vague about a lot of details. So we finished our food and he gave a cue to a waiter. I assumed it was for the check but oh noo it was not. Suddenly the lights dimmed and a waiter came in with a cake shaped as a tower over looking the stars and the date that he and I met. Just then i dawned on me that is was my anniversary present from him. I can not explain the emotions that coursed through me. I  was happy yet a little bit angry that it was not something more durable but i was happy because the gesture moved me for having organized all this so i hugged him and said thank you. So we ate the cake and saved some for later. Harry ordered the check this time paid and off we went to  Harry's house. There we would be staying for the days to come. If my parents allowed me then i  would stay for the rest of the summer at Harry's house with him. The Dursley's were not going to come back until the end of the summer with the purpose of not seeing Harry. So off we were on our way to the House.

Hey Guys its Me Almendra umm i would just like to say thank you for the views i promise i will try to make my story longer and update more frequently just thats school and finals got me all in a pickle so yeah see u in the next chapter.

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