Me+Him=US <3

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Dedicated To My Best Friends Restat15 Chaati92 Nuzlya Martinxx4350 Redwin93 quinnnH1001

KongPob POV:

"Hey" I turned around.

He was running to me with open arms. And even after 3.5 yrs of dating am still at loss of words when ever he does something like THIS openly in university.

I smiled watching him catch his breathe after stopping right in front of me. By look of his I can see that he came back from a rally.
I took his sling bag from him and we together went to our dorm. He dozed off right after we slid into room.

I took bath, went down and brought our take outs with our favorite drinks too. By the time iam back he is in shower humming. Meanwhile I set the table fr us.

"P'arthit!Are u Planning to stay there forever?" I asked after waiting for 20 mins.
"Ai'kong , iam letting my frustrations out by having warm bath. Dont be childish" he said followed by long sigh.

Then I opened my laptop and going through list of our university internship blog. I found that there is a university in another country with both internship and exchange programme . I thought that it is a good opportunity to take and instantly shared in our group of ex hazers of my batch.

And phone started  dinging but before I reach out to it P'arthit came out with black shorts and white towel around his shoulders with damp hair.

I'm dazed by the view .
He stared at me with hunger and I was already sweating he came too fast in my direction then stopped and he  licked his lips stretching his arm out ...

... And took his pink milk off the table beside me and drinking it happily.
A sudden blood rush came to my face. When did I become so desperate for his touch ...& Oooooh my god I'm semi hard... Shia ...!

Arthits POV
I can see faint pink shade on his face and he is quite adorable. Im so lucky to have him in my life . He came in to my life which brought a positive change in it. And because of that , to keep that change in tact , today I took a great decision. thinking about it .... When should I tell him about this..... He won't be easy to deal with ..

"Yes P' " He always have that glint in his eyes and he speaks animatedly like this whenever we are close to each other physically when we're ALONE... 
I tensed up a little. I took his hand and squeezed it with all my might so he wil be back to his senses due to pain.
And he did.

"P' am hungry let's have our dinner."
"Hmmm . yeah "
"Kong.. How is your day ? "
"Quite tiring P'. I was needed by hazers team every now and then because first years were so tiresome this time. Just like those monkeys we saw in our last date to Zoo." I smiled remembering that day .
I kissed him in front of all those people who went there that day just because one girl constantly bumped into him.
  So it's the time to tell him about my decision. Something that kept bothering me all day and during I showered.
"Kong , u remember why I began my organisation 'Grey Rainbow '  Right ? "

"P' ,  u ask me that every time u take up some action in it " I said while eating his last scrambled egg. And stared at me like asking me to continue.

I sipped my drink and straightened my posure directed to him and took his hand in mine.
"Kongineedtogooutofcountryfrfewdays" I said all in one go.
Few seconds of silence and he breathe out releasing his breathe wch I failed to notice he is holding.
He came across table and back hugged me , his hands on mine and said
"P' our love is so strong and everyone believe that we're soulmates because no matter what .. I mean really nothing could go wrong between us . If it's hours days weeks months and years .. It's still the same and will be unique and eternal. My feeling for you wil never sway because my heart never notices anyone except you. So don't get worked up because of us but share with me what's that thing that caused this trip ."

I awed by him because how understanding he is and how deep our gears(hearts) are connected.

"That is a problem filed or we can say brought into light by some girl to our organization. Who is also a great follower and supporter of our organisation."
" Is there anything I could do P'…?"
"No no.. We can manage. How about ... Oh! Kong did u decide about your internship ?"
"We're still considering P' . We all intended to go to same place and out of country . For a change you know." He paused , "We'll Be having alot of fun P'. "
I sighed after realizing he is trying to make my mood lighten .
I brought him down by his collar and kissed him lightly taking him by surprise.

He blushed and also smirked at the same time.

"Kong I Need To Start By This Weekend . Can we spend more time before I leave ?"

"......that P'. We're  having a rally remember ? For our 'Grey Rainbow ' day after tomorrow. And I'm in charge of it and as  founders of this org we can't re arrange it later . Right , P'? "

I cursed inwardly and kissed him harder this time . Gaining a moan from him.

He carried me in his arms and wrapped his hands around my waist when we hit bed. I closed my eyes.

Kong's View

I Love Him.  I really do. He gave me meaning of trust. I thought this is my lop-sided love . But I'm so happy that we're at this stage now. I was staring at his closed eyes. And i remenber that day we lost a poor soul ..
... The day we celebrated our 2nd anniversary .. And saw our frnd tew's brother lifeless ...

That day we decided to bring a change around the world ... If we can't change at least we should try . harder  than ever ..
And suddenly my eyes watered and tears fell on his face ..

He opened his eyes and immediately hugged me . He said most beautiful words to me ,
Arthit POV

" Kong , many people around us in this society are pointing out at us just because they are envious that we're having something they don't have . it's love. Pure love which they doesn't possess . Because they are clawed by others.  Say , how many of normal couples who judge us are happy in Thier life. Kong , I know u feel insecure not because of me but bcz of others who start saying things that are not true like ..  Forget it. I'm here for you and always will be fr you . and i started this so that at least few people like us will get to know that, what they are feeling is not wrong and they are not alone. Let's be brave , together and strong both for them and for US. And one day u wil see that what we started is what changed lives of many. They won't go thru everything we've gone thru. Now smile and let me hug u and love this moment. I love you so much more than I show you "

He started crying but at the same time he is grinning . he is so cute.

"P' ... I i I I I I I Love You So mooochhhhh and I'm so glad to have u in my life and thanks fr always being the wall of support fr me. ..." He said in muffled voice between his sobs.

"Now Be a good boy and sleep . Good Night Kong. " I said and kissed him his forehead.
"Good Night , Love " he said kissing my Chin.
Like That, we slept hugging each other and smiling fr known reasons that "Me+Him=Love"


I Love My Moon To The Moon And Sun.
I Wrote Everything On The Moment . So Dont Mind My Mistakes.
I Have My Concept Ready Just Not Conversations. Be With Me.

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