Chapter 27 - morning of the wedding

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Your POV

"*mumble* w-where am I?" I asked myself not realising I was saying it out loud. I roll over to see Jack. Wait what!? Why's Jack in my bed!? I also had a huge headache. "Jack? You awake?" I got no response.. I looked over to see if Sophia and !ark were there. But nope they were gone. Jack started sleep talking..

"Jack?" I asked to see if he's awake. "Y/n *mumble* I can treat *mumble* you better so please *sigh* pick me.." He mumbled as I went wide eyed I then saw a tear fall down his face. "Jack?!" I said waking him up. "Y/n?" "Are you alright?" I asked. "No.." He replied. I then felt a pair of lips on mine.. I pulled back. "Jack I can't do this to you or Mark.."

"Yes you can. I love you I know I've told you about 1000 times already but if you want Mark I totally expect that as long as we can be friends?" He smiled. "But I want you. And him.." I said with confusion in my voice.


She'll be mine - Jack x mark x readerWhere stories live. Discover now