Sunset Coloured Coffee Beans

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   Bill had been talking and laughing with Dipper until maybe one in three morning about everything that could be talked about, so obviously he was dead tired when Dipper woke up at seven a.m. to go to his morning run and woke him up in the process of trying to find his clothes, still naked except for his boxers. Now that Bill thought of it, he really didn't mind waking up from the noise only to get to see Dipper bent down to search for his running shoes from the bottom of his drawers and accidentally showing off his butt directly at Bill's direction. Bill definitely didn't mind getting to watch that happen right in front of him.
   After half a minute, he just couldn't help but whistle at the sight, it was like an instinct for his gay self to do that if he saw a nice ass like that. Dipper instantly jolted up at the whistle, turning to look at Bill while quickly pulling on the first shirt he found to avoid Bill checking out the rest of his body too -which Bill definitely would've done. What a disappointment he couldn't anymore.
   "Calm down, it was just a joke" Bill laughed lightly, waving his hand before his face as if waving the blame away. But he knew the whistle wasn't originally a joke, but he had to act that way too save himself. Besides, couldn't be that gay for Dipper yet, right? Or if he was he at least couldn't act like he was, that would be creepy.
   "Where are you going, anyways?" Bill asked as he watched Dipper take out his iPod which songs were probably all paid for and not downloaded illegally like most of the songs Bill had in his iPod. Oh well, we can't all be angels.
   "For a run, I want to look over the city, I know it's beautiful. I was here when I was fourteen" Dipper said, tying up his shoes even though it was pretty unclean to dress them up in his bedroom already and not in front of the door out. Oh well, even the brunette baby Bill already thinks is perfect can't be perfect.
   "Oh, I'm coming with you then", Bill said, as he obviously wanted to spend as much time with his crush as possible yet. Besides, maybe he would get a better friendship between them and Dipper would let him copy his homework a few times once the classes started. He almost jumped out of bed while Dipper watched with confusion and a raised eyebrow but didn't say anything against it. Bill dressed up in half the time Dipper had taken to do the same, all while asking Dipper where they were going and such.

   Not working, Bill was definitely not a jogging person. He had managed to run with Dipper well for the first few minutes and talk about Dipper's family -apparently he had a twin sister at home who had left there to study fashion and they had a cat and a pig- before the running started being too much for Bill who had last ran this much when the grocery store was about to close and he needed some chocolate for his mother if he didn't want to get beaten up. He didn't want to ask for a break either, he didn't want Dipper to think he was a wimp that couldn't even run for fifteen minutes.
   "C'mon Bill, there's a famous cafe just around the corner!" Dipper tried to cheer up Bill who was obviously tired already even though he didn't seem to want to admit it at all. Dipper found out rather amusing how hard Bill was trying to impress him, even thought it was clear running definitely wasn't his thing. But he still totally got points from trying so hard.
   "I can carry you if you can't do it?" Dipper offered as a joke, as he had no idea how badly Bill actually wanted him to carry him, the most on bridal style. He just wanted those strong arms around him, holding him close. Bill shook his head. He had to keep his thoughts straight, this was no time to be gay like this.

   Dipper finally stopped in front of the cafe, and Bill felt like he was going to pass out otherwise. Maybe he should've told Dipper to stop, but he didn't want to look like a weak baby -although Dipper calling him baby would be welcomed, but only in a little different context. They stepped into the cafe, and the little bell next to the door rang a little when the door was opened by Dipper. The smell of freshly baked treats and fancy coffee instantly filled Bill's nose. The cafe was small but adorable, and you really could feel the history from how old but yet lovely looking all the wooden chairs, tables and the coffee bar were. The bartender welcomed them with a warm smile while still continuing to make someone other's order.
   "This place is lovely!" Bill exclaimed at Dipper, a wide smile on his lips as he looked around on the small cafe. Dipper on the other hand looked like he'd been here before, so he just concentrated on proudly looking at Bill's excited expression as they stepped into the line to get coffee and maybe even some goods like cake or big chocolate cookies -all baked in the cafe.
   "I know. My family came here once when we were on a vacation." Dipper told him. They had chosen this town half because Dipper always wanted to go to the college there, so they thought it'd be good for him to know some of the places.
"Really? My family never went anywhere for a vacation" Bill said, only then realising how sad it actually was that they never did anything together with his family. But not like he wanted to, anyway. "So do you want to eat something? I'll pay" Bill said quickly to change the topic, not wanting Dipper to ask anything about his family.
   "Oh, I can pay myself, we're both broke college students after all so don't waste your money on me" Dipper chuckled, tapping the wallet on his pocket a few times.
   Bill mumbled something about it not being a waste if it was on Dipper, but the brunette couldn't hear it under all the cafe noise.

   "Next!" The cashier rang, interrupting Bill's and Dipper's conversation about owls and in how dark could they really see. The conversation also might had led to if owls had dicks and should Bill therefore be attracted to them, but not too soon before the cashier rang then up.
   "Hello, I'd have double chocolate cappuccino and caramel cookie." Dipper ordered, licking his lips by just the thought of those treats. He didn't allow himself any sugary stuff too often, but he was with Bill now and Bill made him feel somehow more confident of himself. The cashier was just about to turn around to start filling the order before Bill shined in.
   "And I'll have a caramel espresso with the muffin with most caramel on it!" He chirped, wanting their orders to be made together so he could pay for them. He wasn't going to let Dipper pay for  anything, for these few days he'd have a little crush on him he was going to treat him like a fucking prince.
   Dipper tried to come in when the cashier asked did they pay together, but Bill was faster than that and was already paying for both of them by the time Dipper even opened his mouth.

   "You really didn't have to do that" Dipper said as they sat down on a couch next to the window to the street view.
   "but I wanted to, you can now use that three dollars to something you'd like" Bill said with a proud, bright, smile.
   "I'm gonna spend it in you them. Buy you a thank you stuffie or some shit like that" Dipper rolled his eyes, making it completely platonical and half as a joke. It still made Bill's heart race and his cheeks heat up a little from the thought of Dipper buying him such a cute gift, like he was his boyfriend or something!
   "Why are you blushing Bill?" Dipper asked, seeming kind of confused
   "Uh- eh, there's just an air conditioner straight above me" Bill quickly said, making Dipper raise an eyebrow and look up at the ceiling; which obviously had no air conditioner above Bill's head.
Dipper laughed a little bit "Sure there is"

   After spending almost an hour at the cafe by talking and laughing -And Bill blushing and admiring Dipper- they decided to go to just walk around the city. They visited all kinds of small shops, bought stuff for their apartment to look nicer and clothes shopped. And Dipper did buy Bill a small teddy bear holding a red heart, exactly three dollars.
   Eventually they ended up sitting on a roof of an abandoned building far above the city streets, all their bags and packages beside them as they swinged their legs over the edge of the flat roof. There was a beautiful rose coloured sunset before them, a few birds flying past it.

"I kind if expected you too be more of an asshole fuckboy" Dipper chuckled a little with a small smile, not taking his eyes from the sunset. He had had so much fun today it was almost unbelievable.
Bill giggled a little "who says I'm not an asshole fuckboy?" He joked, knowing himself at least half of that sentence was true. Dipper just had no idea if it despite how much they'd talked today. He concentrated more on Dipper than the sunset, he thought he was more beautiful than it.
   "I say, you're funny and sweet," Dipper told him, finally turning to look at him with a bright smile decoring his face. Just those words could've made Bill blush, but the smile just straight up melted his heart.
   Or well, maybe we shall say 'gay up melted his heart' as at the moment there was nothing straight about him.
He hoped these unexpected feelings would be gone soon enough, he couldn't fall in love with his roommate, as lovely as he was.

Hating The Way We Fall In Love - Billdipحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن