"The way Abdul has written the script keeps our secret. But there are times when we act...strange. Those are the times when our secret affected us a lot. We would jump through time. We would skip hours, days, months, years one time. But things would still be going on. We would respond and everything. But we couldn't remember those times," Auntie Steph sighs. "Except for when I felt things."

"So we use this secret to portray you as accurately as we can?" Kim asks for confirmation.

They nod. "It's why we didn't want Andra, Lynn, and Annie playing us. It would have felt too real to them. Sure, it would have let them live out the life they should have the first time, but it would have been like stabbing them in the heart because it's not real enough." Mom sighs.

"So we asked for them to be let out of the project and have you three put in. It'll be easier for you. Plus it's going to boost your acting careers." Auntie Jacque smiles.

We just nod as they hug us. "We love you. Never let this truth defect that. We love you more than anything in this world. You're apart of the reason we chose to stay."

My phone rings as we pull back. "It's Michael, huh?" JJ teases. "He still pinning for the love he can't have?"

"No," I look down confused as I pick up the iPhone. "It's actually Luke."

"Ooooohhh." JJ and Kim squeal with our mom and aunts.

"Girl, you better," Auntie Steph encourages her. I just let the phone ring until he hangs up on the other end.  "What the hell?"

"He's seven years older— two more than Michael. And he only dates white girls. My skin yells black and beautiful. Not fair and light," I roll my eyes. The disgust builds as I talk. "And Jessie J said he used her to get more talk. He's a weird loner who isn't interested in black girls and uses people to get ahead."

"Oh so you like him then," Mom says and we all laugh. I glare at him. "If you won't listen to me or Jacque, listen to Steph. She spent months trying to deny that she liked Johnny."

"That's straight facts. I liked me some dark chocolate Johnny but I acted like I didn't. You won't like it if you push him away. It'll only make everything just explode to the surface." Auntie Steph advices. My phone lights up again, Luke's name crossing it in bold letters with the fleur de lis emoji next to it.

I grab the phone and walks toward the door. "Hello? What's up?" I give them a small smile as I leaves the room.

"Hey, Lucy. How's the talk going?" Luke greets.

"It's fine. What's up? Why'd you call?" I ask. I lean against the wall.

"Oh. Right. Um, I was wondering if we were, uh, you know...practicing at your place or mine? Yeah." He says, sounding unsure of his words.

I frown at the wall I'm staring at. "Your place, I guess, after we all eat dinner. The Littles can come too if it isn't too late," I pause. "Is that all you called to say? You could have texted me that."

"You're right. Sorry for interrupting you. See you in a few, Lucy." He says before hanging up.

What the fuck?

My face scrunches up. This is what I get for letting my mom and aunts gas me up. Luke doesn't even like me. He only likes white girls with status.

I stomp back into the room more upset than I was when I left. They watch me, waiting for my response. "Luke just wanted to ask about us practicing here or at his place." I sit down with what I know is the worst glare they've ever seen.

The 2 Minute EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now