Chapter 1

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| Your P.O.V |

Thursday.. May 20 20XX..

"Mom I'm home!" You shouted as you entered and stepped on the white glass tiled floor of the house, then you shut the door close. Your phone chimed in your bag, alerting you to a received text message. You dug it out of the pocket of your jeans, you tapped the screen awake and checked your text messages- and scrolled through your social media account.

"Let's eat dinner together [y/n], I've been waiting for you" your eyes shot up when you heard your mother speak across the room, she sat on the black leather armchair with her legs crossed and a cup of tea in her hand.

[Insert mother's name] wasn't beautiful in the classical way, no flowing golden curls or ivory skin. She was shorter than average but her body was certainly more like a catwalk model, but in her ordinariness she was stunning. Something radiated from within that rendered her irresistible to both genders. Men desired her and women courted her friendship.

"Come" she invitingly said, standing up from the chair then walked into the kitchen to your right. You shook your head then put your phone back into your pocket, where it should be.

"Food!" You followed her, smiling as you walked into the kitchen to take on whatever she had to store your empty stomach. You looked up to the ceiling where the old golden chandelier hung just over the table. After that you faced down the wooden table; the plates, silverware and glasses filled with cold water were placed nicely on the table as you sniffed the delicious aroma. You sat down along with your mother, but her facial expression seemed to bother you.

"How was school, sweetie?" she started, sipping on her cup.

"It's fine as usual" you replied while putting food on your plate, she nodded as a response then you began to eat quietly with her. A heavy silence settled over the two of you, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. Unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching your glances that passed by.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and you grasped your sweaty, nervous hands under the tables and even shuffled your feet against the glass white tiles of the floor, awkwardly tracing the outlines of each tile while your [insert favorite food] still swirled in the air around the small space. You bit your lip, thinking what to say next to break the awkward tension between the two of you.

"Is something wrong?" you asked in a hinky tone before taking a bite out of your [insert favorite food] as you slightly tilt your head, waiting for her response. You stared at your mom, and noticed that she had that worried look on her face ever since you came home, It was rare for you to see her like that instead of happy like her usual state.

"Yeah" she croaked out, placing her spoon down beside the bowl "to tell you the truth, I'm thinking of getting married again" her sad expression suddenly faded into a serious one.

"But what's up with the getting remarried thing all of a sudden?" You exclaimed, glancing upward; your mouth pursed but slightly open and loose. You had thousands of questions flooding in your mind and wanted answers. The more you mulled it over the more your brain became a spinning top, always finding more questions than answers.

"I think now's a good time, I was thinking you might need a dad" after hearing her say that you suddenly chocked on your food. Your face washed blank with confusion, like your brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from your now wide eyes.

"A d-dad?" you repeated, though when you spoke your voice trailed slowly, like your words were unwilling to take flight. You didn't think you might need one again ever since the day your father cheated on your poor mother with another woman.

"It's been a long time since I got divorced and you've mostly forgotten about your biological father" she brought her hands together and gave you a forced smile, but there was sadness in her eyes, her brown eyes too glossy.

"Yeah" you mumbled followed by a sigh. Your sigh was of a softly deflating; it was as if a tension had lifted yet left the both of you with a melancholy instead of relief.

Your parents got separated while you were still in elementary school. Your mother raised you as a single mother ever since then, and after that she got hired into a company and your finances became stable, but in return your mother had stayed at work until late and had been on a lot of business trips. But the loneliness didn't scare you; it gave you time to grow stronger than you had ever been.

"Umm hey mom, how long have you known this person?" you asked her to change the subject.

"Almost three years from now, remember when I told you about my amazing male coworker?" She blushed shyly as happy as a shark in a shoal of sea bream.

"You mean the guy ended up being successful and wealthy after funding his own business, but I haven't met him yet?" you mentioned in an astonished tone. The anxious look on her face suddenly faded and turned into a pleasant one. You were happy for her, though it was mixed with some anxiety because it was too sudden. You weren't used to the combination, it was truly odd. Happy would take you up and anxious would bring you down, so in that combination you were simply focused on the subject at hand.

"I actually made a promise to introduce you to your new dad this friday. He has also planned to move us into his house- we're planning on marrying within the month, after all.." she said in a whisper, almost inaudible as she looked at you. Her eyes were the type of brown that was like a sweet chocolate.

"Uhh.. Pardon? W-within the the month?! It's already the 20th of May mom?!" you immediately exclaimed which almost sounded like a scream. You could also feel the sweat drench your [s/c] skin.

"I know I am being selfish, [y/n]. But I want you to go along with this for me" she answered, forcibly lifting the corners of her mouth gently. You sighed in frustration before standing up from your chair to walk towards her. You had to respect her decision, even though it was too sudden. You kissed her forehead instead of replying, like as if you told her that it was okay through a simple kiss.

"Oh, you will also be having brothers. I first met his sons a few months ago and the they are such decently handsome young boys. I hope you will get along with the four of them" she uttered. You knew she felt lighter than she ever was before when she flashed such a sincere smile, but you had no idea why you saw that as a devious grin.

"You gotta be kidding me"


Hello there lovely! It's me again your most beloved male author~ English is not my first language so please forgive me and kindly correct my mistakes if I have any! If you have time, please check out my other books! I am most certain that you will enjoy them! Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote!

Published/Started: April 10, 2018

~ author-kun •ω•

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