Chapter 7 (Janna's jealousy rage)

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[Before I start this chapter, i just wanted to let you know that the start of this chapter may be very starco related, but if you read near the end the janstar feels definitely kick in. Other than that, enjoy this long chapter]

The next bright, sunny morning, Star jumped out of bed and got out her wand, helping her get dressed for a long new day. Walking down the stairs she saw Marco there waiting for her with a big smile on his face to greet the happy blonde. "Morning Star" he smiled, making star smile back. "Morning Marco! How are you?" She asked. "Last night was pretty hectic, huh?" Marco nodded in reply. "Yep" he said with a small laugh.

The two of them sat around the table and ate their breakfast quickly, both talking and laughing together. "Hey Star" Marco said, his voice sounding serious. "Y-yes?" Star replied, dropping her spoon out of her hand. "I'm so sorry about acting all moody and just hanging around Jackie" he said and reached for Stars hand. "I hope you're alright." Star smiled and laughed. "Aw, Marco! It's okay, I'm feeling way better now anyway! I don't blame you for acting that way" she replied and brushed her hair out of her eyes. Marco chuckled and blushed slightly. "Thanks."

The two of them walked out of the house and locked the door, making their way to school. The two had remained silent most of the time, until Marco reached over to Star's hand and held it tightly. "This is what I did to Janna..." Star thought to herself as she turned red. As Star stared at both their hands and thought about her doing it to Janna also, Marco had finally said something. "So, uh Star, what subjects are you looking forward to today?" Star finally snapped out of her daydream of Janna and looked at Marco in the eyes. "Oh haha, well...I do like chemistry" She replied nodding. Marco looked at her with a shocked face. "Really? But it's so advanced!" He said. Star raised an eyebrow and frowned. "Advanced? All I know that we gotta do is blow up things and write down about it. Pretty cool stuff though, kinda like magic!" Marco cracked up laughing and looked over at Star. "Oh Star, you're so funny.." He smiled. Star blushed and looked away. "Yeah..."

When they arrived at school, Janna was there at the front leaning against the wall and ready to talk to Star. "Act casual and cool" She thought to herself. She had spotted Star walking side by side Marco, but surprisingly holding hands. Janna's eyes shot wide open. "Huh!?" She half screamed, jumping out of place. Star had looked at her right at that out of place moment, and waved with a crooked smile. Janna turned her head and looked away, pretending she never saw her. "Nope nope nope nope nope and nope. That did not just happen" she repeated to herself. Star and Marco walked up and greeted her politely. "Hey Janna!" They both said. Janna turned her head and flicked her fringe out of her brown eyes. "Sup.." She said with her arms crossed. Jealousy was a thing Janna just couldn't handle, and she goes way too out of style when she feels it. Star and Marco looked at each other and turned their heads slowly. "Uh, we'll see you later, I guess?" Marco said leading Star through the door. When they left, Janna growled quietly and frowned. "How are they holding hands? Are they a couple or something now? Star is so confusing!" She whispered to herself.

When school was over, Janna rushed outside and waited for Star at the gate, brushing the sweat off her forehead. "Okay Janna, you can have a small talk with Star and ask her about what's going on. Maybe you can ask her out to the movies tomorrow! Yeah, that would be cool" she said to herself while smiling. Little did Janna realise, Marco and Star had spent literally the whole day together and planned to spend the rest of the week together too, just to catch up. Star walked out the door holding Marco's hand again. "Star!" Janna shouted, running up to her. "Hey gurl! I haven't talked to you almost the whole day! What are you up to?" Star asked and smiled at her friend. "Oh well I was just wondering if you'd like know" she smirked, trying to act flirty. "Go to the movies tomorrow afternoon?" Star gasped and covered her mouth, her eyes widened. "W-what's wrong?" Janna asked. Marco shook his head. "Sorry Janna but me and Star are going together tomorrow afternoon to catch up and spend time together. Maybe we can hang out some other day and do something else?" He suggested. Janna frowned in disappointment. She was not letting Marco steal the girl that she was currently crushing on and take away the opportunity she's been waiting to take for ages. Janna was still a slight bit confused about what she felt for Star and if it is really a crush or not, and so is Star. But Janna was alert about this and needed to find out. She was pretty positive she did though. "Aw could I please go?" Janna begged, almost kneeling down. Marco shook is head again. "No-" "Awww, of corse Janna!" Star said, cutting Marco off. Janna wrapped her arm around Stars waist and pulled her close. "Thanks, princess~" Janna smirked, pulling the blonde closer to her. Stars face had turned a bright pink, as Marco's had became concerned. "You won't regret it!" She said and let go, walking off. "Bye bye, Janna!" Star shouted. "Later!"

This chapter sucked, but the next one I promise has a lot of drama! Add to your reading list to stay up to date if you don't already, and once again, thank you for reading this sloppy and trashy chapter! ^.^

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