The Shakespeare Code

Start from the beginning

"Of course we can," the Doctor snorted as he walked forward, Rose and Anna following "Why do you ask?"

"It's like in the films. You step on a butterfly, you change the future of the human race."

"Why would you step on a butterfly in the first place?" Anna asked, confused.

Rose snickered. "Just don't step on any butterflies."

"What have butterflies ever done to you?" the Doctor asked.

"What if . . . I don't know," Martha tried to think. "What if I kill my grandfather?"

"Why would you kill your grandfather?" Anna blinked. "Do you want to kill your grandfather?"

"No," Martha shook her head.

"Then why are you asking? Just don't do it."

Rose giggled, slinging an arm around Anna's shoulders. "Never change, Mara."

Anna beamed up at her, making the Doctor smile. "And this is London?" Martha looked around.

"I think so," the Doctor nodded. "Round about 1599."

"Oh, but hold on. Am I all right? I'm not going to get carted off as a slave, am I?"

"Why would they do that?" the Doctor blinked, confused.

Rose sighed, turning around. "Martha, don't think about your skin color. These two aren't even human, and they walk around like they own the place. Works for them, should work for you."

" . . . was that a compliment?" the Doctor looked at her.

"Take it as one."

"OK," he nodded, turning around. "Besides, you'd be surprised. Elizabethan England, not so different from your current time. Look over there! They've got recycling," he pointed out a man shoveling manure. "Water cooler movement," he pointed at two people around a water barrel.

"And the world will be consumed by flame!" a priest shouted as they walked past.

"End of the world?" Rose smirked.

"Global warming," the Doctor chuckled. "Oh, yes, and entertainment. Popular entertainment for the masses. If I'm right, we're just down the river by Southwark, right next to . . . "

Anna gasped when she saw the building the Doctor gestured to. "Is that the Globe Theater?!"

"Brand new!" the Doctor confirmed, Anna squealing as Martha's jaw dropped. "Just opened. Though, strictly speaking, it's not a globe, it's a tetradecagon. Fourteen sides. Containing the man himself."

"Whoa," Martha's eyes widened. "You don't mean . . . is Shakespeare in there?!"

"Oh, yes," the Doctor smirked, holding out his arm for Rose. "Miss Tyler, will you accompany me to the theater?"

Rose giggled, taking his arm. "Mr. Smith, I will."

As the two of them walked on, Anna took Martha's hand and tugged her on. "Come on!" she grinned. "Then you can tell everyone you saw Shakespeare when you get home!"

Martha laughed, running after Anna. "Then I could get sectioned!"


"That's amazing!" Martha gushed after the performance was finished, all of them clapping as the actors bowed. "Just amazing! It's worth putting up with the smell. And those men are dressed as women, yeah?"

"London never changes," the Doctor chuckled.

"Where's Shakespeare?" Martha stood on her toes to see. "I want to see Shakespeare. Author!" she shouted. "Author!" A moment later, she looked back at the others. 'Do people shout that? Do they shout Author?"

Saxon (Entry Three in The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady)Where stories live. Discover now