By The Fire- Drarry

Start from the beginning

"Fell asleep." Pansy did air quotes, placing her fork down delicately. Draco rolled his eyes, and stabbed his watermelon angrily. "Eat that watermelon or tell me who you were with last night!" Draco glared at her, but gave in and ate a couple pieces of watermelon.

"Pansy, Draco just has a casual fuck buddy. We'll probably never know who it was, or why. Just ignore it." Blaise advised from his side of the table, where he was not being made to eat watermelon. Draco glared at him, and ignored them both for the duration of breakfast, before walking to class and ignoring them on the way there too.
Draco sat down in Potions haughtily, leaving Pansy and Blaise to find a seat themselves, as he had plopped down right next to Harry. Draco grabbed his book, quill, and wand out, before placing them neatly on the desk and turning to the front of the room to wait for Slughorn.



"What are you doing here?"

"Baking apricot tart. Would you like some?" Draco smirked at Harry, before turning back to doodling on a spare piece of parchment. Harry shook his head amusedly.

"I don't like apricot tart, it's too apricoty. I much prefer treacle." Harry said, turning on his stool so he faced Draco. Draco rolled his eyes, concentrating on his drawing before putting the quill down.

"I know. You started eating it with every meal in second year, which irked me to no end. You were all high and mighty with your Gryffindorks, eating treacle tart and winning the House Cup." Draco glared at him, crossing his arms. "But all's fair in love and war. I suppose there was a war, and I'm just so fabulous that I'm sure you love me."

Harry clutched his hand over his heart. "Oh no! You've found out my deepest, darkest, most ugly secret." Draco slapped the table.

"Deep. Check. Dark. Check. Ugly, NO!" Draco crossed his arms once again, glaring down at the Gryffindor, who had fallen off his chair laughing. A note landed on Harry's seat, and Draco grabbed it and opened it.

What's going on between you and the Ferret. Is he the one who told you to bring the whipped cream? Kidding, that's ridiculous. But seriously what's going on?

"Potter! You shagging some girl using whipped cream?" Draco waved the note in the air, watching Harry's face turn the color of a tomato as the class turned to watch him clamber back onto his stool. Harry grabbed the note out of his hand, sticking his tongue out at Draco.

"Shut up, Ferret!"

"Ouch, low blow Potter."

Then they were wrestling. No one knew how it started or who threw the first punch, but one minute they were on their stools, and the next they were wrestling across the Potions floor. Punching, kicking, and scratching.

It was over just as suddenly. Hermione had Harry hovering in the air, and Pansy was sitting on Draco to keep him from reaching up at Harry. "Honestly boys! Sit down and behave, or so help me I will switch seats with Malfoy and have Malfoy sit with Ron!" The expressions on the two boys faces were equally horrified, they mumbled apologies and took a seat again. Careful to keep their voices low as they continued to talk.

Draco pulled on Harry's Weasley sweater, before fastening his robe over it and grabbing his blanket. He managed to evade Pansy and Blaise, before going down to the common room to meet Potter. There were eight bottle of whipped cream on the table.

"Draco! You want some whipped cream?" Draco smirked, walking to the couch and grabbing a bottle, before turning to Harry. He placed his hands on Harry's shoulders, leaning in and kissing the whipped cream off Harry's lips. "Er......Draco?"

Draco looked up from where he had been busying himself by arranging their positions on the couch. "Yes?"

"Did you kiss me?"

"Very well spotted." Draco lay back against Harry's chest, spraying whipped cream in his mouth, with his blanket tucked over the two, with a pillow behind Harry's head on the sofa arm. "I know you're oblivious, but that was pretty obvious." He taunted, kicking off his slippers and putting his feet on a cushion by the fire.

Harry rolled his eyes, taking a long drink of his hot cocoa, before setting it down and laying down, holding Draco close to his chest. "Goodnight Draco." Harry stole a kiss.

"It will be a good night once I get another kiss!" Draco replied cheekily, leaning up for another kiss. Harry rolled his eyes, but obliged, kissing him lightly on the lips before closing his eyes.

Draco stayed awake a little longer, finishing his bottle of whipped cream, before following Harry down the path of sleep. He was content and warm, and falling deeply in love.

The first thing he heard when he woke up was a scream. Draco shot up, banging into Harry's shoulder. "What the fuck are you screaming about, it's too early." He grabbed Harry and attempted to pull him back down into a laying down position.

"I'm not screaming. She is." Harry pointed across the room to a terrified Pansy. He ran a hand through his hair, and lay back down, when the stairs began to rumble.

"Oh," Ron's panicked face relaxed. "It's you. I thought someone I cared about was screaming." Pansy threw him a dirty look, pointing at the couch.Hermione peeked over Rons shoulder, gasping slightly at the sight.

Draco and Harry lay entangled on the couch, Dracos head buried in Harry's shoulder, with their arms around the other. Harry was speaking softly towards Draco, as the latter refused to remove his head from the formers shoulder and look at the people gathered at the foot of the stairs.

"Malfoy? Bloody hell." Ron gaped at his best mate. Harry sat up against the couch, shifting the blond onto his lap, who was still refusing to leave Harry's neck.

"Potter is your fuckbuddy?" Pansy smirked, electing a groan out of Draco as he attempted to hide by throwing his blanket over himself. Harry chuckled, kissing the top of Draco's head.

"I'm not sure what he told you, but he's just always cold, so I'm just here because he insists  that I'm warm." Harry informed them, stroking Draco's back slowly. Ron nodded.

"You always make the bed sheets like super hot, and then I can't sleep." Ron told him, looking anywhere but his best mate.

"Have you shared a bed before Weasel? Do I need to know something?" Draco asked haughtily, emerging slightly from his hiding spot by turning his head to face them.

"Yes I've shared a bed with Ron when I slept over his house every summer, in Grimmauld Place during Order meetings, and when it was cold over Christmas Break at his house." Harry informed the blond, still stroking his back. Draco glared at them each in turn, before laying down on the couch again, with his blanket covered feet on Harry's lap, and his blanket tucked under his chin to protect him from vampires.

"You're adorable." Harry told him fondly, moving Draco's feet off him, only for them to be put back on his lap.

Draco smirked wickedly. "If by adorable you mean you'd like to fuck me against a door, then yes please." Ron blanched, and turned around, running back up the stairs to the boys dorms. Hermione followed him, looking extremely confused.

Pansy took a seat across from the boys on the couch. She eyed Draco, making the boy blush. "Babe, as much as I hate Gryffindors. If you're happy, I'm happy. Just keep him out of my house." Draco nodded his assent, his eyes trailing after Pansy as she left the room. Harry smiled and lay down next to the blond, cuddling him.

"I love you Draco."

"I hate you too Potter."

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