The Bus Ride

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Sergio knew how hard things were going to be. He knew that no matter how easy people made it seem, it wasn't going to be like that. Nothing is ever that easy especially when it means leaving everything you had at one point and starting off with nothing. He was going to have to start everything fresh and from the start..with no one or anything by his side.
Early one morning, the morning he decided to go for it and try crossing over to the other side, he got up and started walking down the street.
He walked a few streets over with only his cloth or nothing, and finally made it to the village next to his. This was were he was going to wait for the bus that was going to take him to Guadalajara, Mexico, where he was going to meet up with the person he had paid a few hundred dollars to in order to help him start his journey and cross the border.
Initially, Sergio was going to use a fake passport and green card to try and get across the border in a car and pretend to be someone else. Upon arrival to the man's house, he figured that his plan was no longer going to go through.
Yes, he was still going to cross the border, but it was no longer the way he thought it was going to be. This method was going to be much harder and a lot more difficult than what he had planned.
Now, instead of being a few hours away from his dream, he was a few days away...Or so he thought. This whole journey ended up taking almost two weeks. And he still wasn't were he wanted to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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