The Decission To Leave Everything Behind

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A few years before they had met or started a family, Sergio had struggled very much to get to The United States and start building a life, and a future on the other side.
People had made it sound so much easier than things really were.

"You can hire someone to help you cross the border."

"They'll charge you a fair amount but you'll make even more once you get to the U.S."

"Its the best choice i've made. I don't regret it."
After hearing all this, Sergio finally decided to go for it one day. He was tired of being poor and having to be out in the hot sun daily while having to water the crops and plant the seeds.
He told a few people about leaving to 'the promise land,' as they call it.
Many encouraged him, others didn't. He didn't pay much attention to their opinions though, all he had in mind was the bright future and the amazing life that awaited him once he crossed the border.
Sergio packed his bags and started saying by to his parents and his friends. They all wished him a good bye and good luck in perusing his dreams.
Then, the day came.

I hope you guys are enjoying this!! 😊 Give me feed back on how my writing is, this is the first book i write so keep in mind, its not the best. 😛

Mexican Dream?//American Nightmare!//Life. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum