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The Doctor's POV

It had been three days since I had said anything significant to Zero. I was being totally unfair, but, in my defence, I was making an important decision.

When I told Zero what her tattoo meant, she was both unsurprised and shocked. My name was one of the most important secrets in the universe, and Zero was originally meant for keeping record of dangerous secrets, so it wasn't that surprising that Zero had my name in some form. However, what was shocking was that I hadn't recorded it. So who had?

But I soon became preoccupied with an even more troubling thought; Zero already had my name, and I was sure I was in love with Zero, so why hadn't I told her my name yet?

I leaned over the Tardis console and sighed sadly. The situation with The Master scared me because I was positive that Zero didn't kill him. That meant that he was trying to find her. And if he found her, who knew what he was going to do to get information from her. And then what would happen?

"Doctor?" Zero's timid voice interrupted my thoughts. I spun around to face her and had to swallow a lump in my throat.

Her bloodshot eyes made it obvious that she had been crying, and that was my fault. "Zero, I-" I began.

"If you want me to leave," She cut me off, "then I can pack my bags."

"What are you talking about? Why would I want you to leave?"

"Doctor, you haven't spoken to me in days," Zero crossed her arms defensively.

"I know. I'm sorry," I apologised quietly. "I've just been thinking."

"About what?" She ask, her voice hushed.

"You." I replied.


"And I think I've drawn a conclusion," I moved toward her, but she stepped back.

"What have you decided?" She asked, anxiety visible on her face.

"I need to whisper it to you."

"Doctor, don't be ridiculous!" Zero frowned.

"But I am ridiculous," I grinned softly.

"Ridiculously stupid," Zero retorted, her lips just barely forming a smile. Her ability to make fun of me showed that she wasn't too cross with me.

"You're right about that," I murmured. "Zero, I really need to tell you something."

"Then say it," she replied flatly.

"I can't," I said exasperatedly. "I have to whisper it."

Zero rolled her eyes. "Fine," she sighed.

I stepped forward and leaned down until my lips were centimetres from her ear. And I whispered my name to her.

As soon as I spoke, I pulled away from her. Zero's eyes were wide with surprise and confusion, and she struggled to find words.

"That was-" she began.




Zero grabbed me by the front of my jacket and pulled me towards her. And then she whispered the most beautiful thing in my ear; She told me her name.

She released her grip on my coat, and I decided that I was going to kiss her.

And then the Tardis crashed.

Zero was already out the door before I could pick myself up off the Tardis floor.

The Last of Gallifrey- a Doctor Who fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now