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With everything she had been through you think she knew how to cope. She had been almost murdered in her uncle's home at the young age of 12. She coped. She had been kidnapped and used as a blood transfusion for an old monster. She coped. It had been really hard to lose him for a year to a dimension of merciless gods but she coped. Battling delusional villains, death-bringers, and super-powered punks had brought a multitude of tears, aches and pains. But she had coped. You think she was an expert by now at being able to take whatever the world wanted to throw at her and punch it right back in the face. Hell even becoming a god destined to destroy the world had made her stronger and better at taking life's unexpected turns. But this was the breaking point.

Nothing had prepared her for this.

  Life without him.

       It didn't matter that the world was saved.

          Hers was forever gone the moment he walked into the                 Accelerator.

And there was no coming back from that.

Alternate ending.

Any requests for stories?  I would love to write something for someone.

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