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This was it.

It finally was here.

The rage of the Skeleton Detective.

When she vanished, there was nothing to hold back his anger.

People whispered behind their doors fervent prayers as they watched him stalk down the street.

His revolver was out of ammunition.

His hands were stained.

His face blank.

Whoever had taken her was in danger.

Many criminals fled the country only for their bodies to be turned up later dismantled and unrecognizable.

No one was safe.



It matter not.

He had made one simple promise to her.

Until the end.

And he was going to make sure that he kept it.

This series is going to be different than my Songfics.  I love one-shots and the Valduggery pairing.  If anyone has anything they like me to write, please let me know.  Thanks and enjoy! :)

Skulduggery Pleasant One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now