Chapter 5: What's there left to live for?

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~Mark's Pv~

I'm not sure how long I sat outside in the dark but I began to shiver from the winter air. I blink a few times to realize I was back in reality and no longer in my imaginative state. So Aaron is going to be possessed and kill me. Tears began to slip down my face but got frozen have way down. My heart felt more broken then it ever has in my life. I pull my knees to my chest and I rest my heels on the end of the bench. The night air wrapped around me in a cold blanket. The snow seemed to glow white in the night. The air hissed in my ear and laughed as if it was taunting me. Everything seemed to be poking at me to break me more and it was working. The moon making its way a crossed the sky smirked down on me knowing my troubles. The air licked at my exposed skin yet I did not feel cold. Numbness began to spread throughout my body like a vein spreads out on a tree.

"What is there left to live for?" A male voice whispered into my ear.

I look around to find myself surrounded by nothing but I felt as the voice was right. What was left? Aaron is gonna kill me and I don't even know he loves me! I suddenly felt cold to the bone. Tears sprang out of my eyes and the freezing air could not stop them. They flowed and flowed not showing any signs of stoping. Why does this have to be this way?

~Aaron's Pv~

I began to worry Mark told me two hours ago that he was going on a walk and he hasn't even came back yet.
I can't stop pacing and looking out the window for him. My heart is aching from being away from him this long. Wade left to go out on a date with a chick and so it's only me here and I hate it. I told Mark he was crazy but I'm staring to feel as if someone is watching and waiting for me to slip up so they can take over. Please oh please Mark come home. I hear the front door open and my heart leaped as Mark walks into the room. His eyes are red as if he has been crying and his shirt was covered in blood..

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