Chapter 17: Now is not the time..

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~Mark's Pv~

"You want... a child.." I stare at him not sure if I heard him right.

"Yes Mark! It would make me so happy. To care for a child and to hold it! Oh Mark just the thought of it brings me joy!" I watch as excitement fills his eyes.

"But do you really think now is the time to bring a child to our home... a home that we haven't finished building.. a home we are not even sure if its going to be safe to raise a child in.. are you even sure you're ready to be a parent. Are you sure we are ready to take on a responsibility of a child?" I watch his eyes go sad.

"I suppose you're right Mark. We'll just have to see how things go from here and see if we are ready" He gets up and pulls on a jacket. "I'm going to go for a walk ok.." With that he left.

"Great going Mark. You upset him. You should have just said yes. You should have let him have his joy" I mumble to myself.

I have to make it up to him. I quickly get up and grab my sweatshirt sliding it on. I just know what to do. I walk out the door to my car and climb in. I must make this right. I drive to the adoption center and climb out. I take a deep breath and make my way to the front desk.

"Hello sir. How may I help you?" Smiled the young lady at the front desk.

"I was looking to adopting a child" I shift slightly.

"You're wife and you aren't trying for your own?" The lady asked.

"Um I don't have a wife" she began to play with her hair while smiling at me.

"So you're going to be a single father? Such a great man" I could hear the flirty tone in her voice.

"Actually, I'm adopting for my boyfriend and I" I smiled at my words.

"Oh" she sits back in her chair. "I'll show you the available children" she stands leading me to a door.

"We have amazing little children and even a few teenagers. It sad to know parents gave their children away" She shakes her head in disappointment.

"I'm sure they are amazing kids" I say as she leads me through another door.

Children of all ages and sizes were playing with blocks, toys, video games and some cribs with babies sit next to the wall. To think these kids were left here hoping to get new parents that will care about them. Even older kids maybe they've been here since their little. My heart ached with sadness for them. I wish I could take them all. Some of the children stopped and looked at me and smiled.

"So do you want a boy or girl? What age?" The lady looks at me as one of the kids run up and hugs her leg.

"I want a little girl and a boy. I'm not sure the age but I want to meet some of the kids" I slowly walk to a few little girls playing with dolls on the floor.

"Hi, I'm Mark what are your names?" I smile at them as they smile back.

"I'm Lily" says the girl with blonde hair.

"I'm Rain" says a girl with black hair.

"This is Jennifer she can't hear" say Lily pointing at the girl with red hair.

"How old are you girls?" I watch them play with the dolls.

"I'm five" Lily answers.

"I'm seven" says Rain.

Jennifer holds up four fingers and I could feel my heart break a little. A four year old girl that can't hear.

"It was nice talking to you girls" I pat Jennifer's head softly.

I slowly get up and move to one of the cribs containing a baby boy.

"He's only one" says the lady.

"He's adorable.." I slowly pick him up and hold him in my arms rocking him.

"I bet your going to make a great father.. By the way his name is Jason" says the lady as the baby coos.

"He's the one.. I would like to adopt Jason and Jennifer" I look at the lady.

"I'll get you the paper work and I'll help them prepare to go with you and you can take them home tomorrow" I slowly lay Jason back in his crib and nod at the lady.

"I want to tell Jennifer before I go" I quickly move to the girls.

"Jennifer" she looks up at me as I squat down. "How would you like to come home with me" I sign languaged and watched as her face lite up with joy as she throws her tiny arms around my neck hugging me.

~Aaron's Pv~

"Hey how's the house going" I say walking up to the people building mine and Mark's new home.

"It's doing great" smiling the construction man.

"Do you think you could add one more extra room? Please" I begged.

"Of course but may I ask why?" Says the construction man.

"For children later in the future" I say smiling.

"Alright. Your home should be done by the end of the week" I nod.

"Well I need to return home. Bye." With that I jogged off.

~Mark's Pv~

By the time I returned home Aaron was sitting was sitting at the table waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" Aaron asked.

I lift up the adoption papers smiling. "We now have to kids" Aaron began to cry with joy as he gets up and hugs me.

"What are their names? What age? What do they look like?" Aaron asked one question after another.

"There's Jennifer. She's four. She has red hair and blue eyes and she has freckles on her cheeks and she can't hear. Then there's Jason. He's one. He has brown hair and green eyes. He's a chunky baby" I laugh with joy.

"They sound perfect" says Aaron.

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