The Mess Hall

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(Your point of view)

*Time skip bought to you by a cry for help.*

It's the last day of my punishment. Thank the walls. "Do it again. There's dust everywhere and you can't even do the bed sheets right. Do it all again. If you're lucky, then you might make it to the mess hall in time." Humanities' shortest scolded me. I sighed and set back to work again. This time, he watched me. He told me every little thing I did wrong, but at least he told me how to fix it. Finally I managed to do it in a way that pleased him. "It's as good as someone like you can get it. You may go to the mess hall," the captain said bluntly.  I smiled an exhaled a large sigh of relief. Maybe I can finally see how Eren has settled in.

When I entered the mess hall, I saw Eren sat with two other people. Eren saw me and waved me over. I walked over with a tray of food towards them. Serious or kind... I'll go kind. I sat down with a smile. "Mikasa, Armin, this is (y/n). She came to visit me when I was in prison and she got punished for it," Eren introduced me jokingly. "Pleasure to meet you two. I need to go get something. I'll be back in a moment," I excused myself and came back with a basket of fruit and veg. It had apples, plums, peaches, carrots and tomatoes. "Wow, where'd you get all that (y/n)?" Armin I asked me. I put the basket on the table. "My parents run a farm and they plant a little extra to send me. I'm actually allergic to some of the things they serve to eat," I explained. I took an apple and started to eat it. "Help yourselves," I told them. Armin picked out a carrot, Mikasa took a plum and Eren took out an... apple. He must of grown a fondness of them "Thanks, (y/n)!" Eren and Armin both said. "...Thanks," Mikasa said.

Eren went for another apple. "You really like apples, don't you?" I teased Eren. He went a bit red. "It's alright, take as many as you please. I was only joking," I reassured him. He looked a bit relieved and took a bite out of the apple. "They're really good, I can't remember the last time I had an apple. Before you gave them to me, I mean." He said with his mouth full. "Eren, don't talk with your mouth full." Armin sighed. I let out a small chuckle. They get a long really well. Mikasa doesn't talk a lot though... "So... Mikasa. What's your relationship with Eren?" I asked her with a smile on my face. "He's my brother," she replied bluntly. I sighed. She's not going to ease up, is she? I stopped trying to engage in conversation. A few moments of silence later, Mikasa asked me a question. "What was your childhood like?" She asked me. I looked away. "It's nothing special, you know? I, um, it was pretty normal, I guess. I spent my life on my parents farm, nothing, uh, special really." I stuttered. I didn't really want to share that yet. Eren patted my back. When I looked towards him, he was giving me a gentle smile. I relaxed and faced the table again. "...Sorry," Mikasa said. "No, no. It's alright. Don't worry about it," I replied. She nodded her head.

"Oh, that reminds me," I turned my head towards Eren. "How have they been treating you?" He swallowed what he had in his mouth. "Not the best, but not the worst. They put me into the Levi Squad so he could keep an eye on me. I don't know what captain Levi is thinking, but I'm pretty sure the rest of the squad don't trust me. And the captain made us clean," Eren explained. At the last bit, I started laughing. "That was my entire week, everyday and all around the Survey Corps area. Welcome to my nightmare," I chortled. Eren and Armin started laughing, too. "That must of sucked," Armin said. "Yeah, it was terrible. I'm so glad today was my last day," I exclaimed. "Thanks for the food, we really appreciate it." Eren thanked me. "It was really good, thanks." Armin chimed in. "Thanks," Mikasa said bluntly. "You're welcome," I replied.

So this was chapter four.

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