The Jail Cell

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(Your point of view)

It was not long after I had been transferred to the Survey Corps when news of a certain boy circulated. Supposedly, the boy could change into a titan. I wouldn't let this stay a mystery for long. I would have to go find out for myself.

I knew exactly where the jail cell was, so when I was certain the commander and captain weren't there, I went to visit him. I bought an apple with me. They probably wouldn't feed a "monster" correctly. I saw where the two guards were and sat down on the floor, cross-legged, in between them. "Ma'am. You're not suppose to be here," one of the guards said. I didn't respond and I kept looking at the boy in the cell. He was in the top ten, wasn't he? After ten minutes, the second guard spoke, "Miss, if you don't leave we'll be forced to-" "Shush," I interrupted the man. "Killing titans isn't exactly my forte, that's why I get mixed up in Hanji's crackpot experiments. But what I can put on a show with is hand to hand combat. So be quiet and you'll live another day," I replied to the pair bluntly. One was clearly unnerved, while the other came to move me by force. I stood up, pulled the man towards me by the arm and kicked his shins in. He fell to the ground.

"Point made?" I asked. The guard didn't respond. I looked at the other one and pointed my finger at him. "Take him to the infirmary. Make a good excuse about what happened or I'll be making one for the pair of you," I said bluntly. The man gulped and took his friend to the infirmary. I directed my attention back to the boy in the cage. "Catch," I muttered. I threw the red apple to him through the bars. I took my place back on the floor. "Jaeger, was it?" I asked bluntly. I didn't want to get too attached, so I tried to act cold. Titan Boy nodded. "You and I are going to get very well aquainted," he gulped. It was so funny, he was scared of me. I'm not that intimidating. I'll probably be the first to get eaten by a titan, if I try to kill one. I can handle the ODM gear just fine, I just haven't mastered the killing titans part.

A smile started to form on my face. I put my hand over my mouth, but it was too late. I started laughing so much. I couldn't stop until the boy asked me, "Are you alright?" I looked back at him, not afraid to show my smile. "Are you alright? You're the one not eating a perfectly good apple!" I retorted.  He stil look at me confused. "You'll probably want an explanation... I'm (f/n) (l/n), I've just recently joined the Survey Corps. I just finished training, which you had too. I remember you being in the top ten! I'm good with everything except the killing part. I've always been one to get in fights to see the victim admit defeat not for the fight to end quickly. When I say good, I mean alright. The thing I excel at is hand to hand combat. It isn't really that useful," I started saying. "Sorry, I'm rambling. I was laughing because you looked kind of scared. It was like you were a little kid. I couldn't help myself."

"I'm not a kid!" He rebutted. "But you totally are though!" I laughed back. "You were acting like Captain Levi! Anyone, who isn't crazy, would be afraid of him!" Jaeger yelled back. "Really? I haven't met him yet... add that to the list of things to do," I murmur. "So why did they put you down here, Jaeger? Something to do with a pinch of fairy dust and the ability to turn into a titan," I asked jokingly. "Eren," he said. I looked at him in confusion. "My names Eren. Not Jaeger. Anyway, I don't why but I turned into a titan earlier. Now I'm being put on trial to see what they'll do with me," he explained. He looked at me waiting for a response. I didn't know what to say, so I gave him a sympathetic look. "Why did you come all the way down here for a monster?" Eren asked. I smiled. "I came looking for a monster, but I found a five year old refusing to eat an apple. That was hard to get, you know." I joked back. Eren looked at the apple and finally decided to take a bite out of it.

"It's really good! Thanks (y/n)!" Eren said with a smile on his face. "I came looking for a monster," I repeated. "Who needed a friend, someone who they can trust." He looked at me. He's nearly eaten the whole apple already. "I have Mikasa and Armin," Eren barely managed to make audible words with his mouth full. "I've known them since childhood," he added. "I was referring to a friend on the inside, but whatever floats your boat." I replied, slightly dejected. Eren picked up on this quite quickly and attempted to make me feel better. "I don't mean it like that! I appreciate it! A lot!" He sputtered. Cute... I let out a small laugh. "It's okay. I really must be going now, before they figure out the guards have gone. I'll come back another time," I reply. I got up and left.

So my friend told me to write more fics and I ended up bringing up Erenxreader because I will not even grace what she said with a description. You hear that Eggy the egg?

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