Thinking Out Loud

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I couldn't believe I would be starting my first year of college soon. I was a little sad to be leaving high school, but I would be starting my new life in Boston. I found a school with an excellent art program. Ed and I talked a few times a year. Then after awhile, I didn't hear from him at all. He would always be my first love.
I had no way of talking to Ed, he changed his number, and I never thought I would ever see him again..
My new friend Kelsie had invited me to a party, I didn't really want to go but it was Friday night and I had nothing better to do. I told Kelsie I could drive, I never drank and someone had to be responsible. Kelsie accused me of being a goody-goody and said we would call a cab if we had to, I was going to drink. I sat in the corner nursing a beer that had turned warm. I headed towards the kitchen to find a Coke. I dumped out the remains of my cup and threw it away in the trashcan. For a big house, it was already becoming uncomfortably cramped. I had to push my way through, only to discover someone had taken my spot on the couch. I searched for Kelsie but she was nowhere to be find. I could have asked if anyone had seen her, but the music was so loud, I doubt if anyone would be able to hear me. The house was pretty impressive. Three floors, five bedrooms, two and a half bath, pool table, huge flat-screen and a kick-ass surround sound system. I heard the guy who lived here, had been given this house as a graduation "present." I couldn't help but be a little jealous. My parents were not wealthy but they still had managed to set aside a savings for me to go to school. I decided to check out the totally finished basement. It was big enough to be someone's apartment. Some guy was laughing and doing tricks with glasses as he made drinks. Towards the corner of the room, near the fireplace, someone was playing a guitar. I recognized the voice right away but, how could it be Ed?! I noticed most of his fans were females, go figure, and they were practically swooning. Ed finished the song and everyone cheered and clapped. I got closer but was nervous about approaching him. A couple of girls asked for an autograph but Ed good-naturedly replied, " Not today, mates." The girls were not convinced. Instead he took their phones and took a selfie. Always the clown, i thought. Some guy asked Ed if he wanted a drink, he said a vodka, straight. I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Surely an old friend can get an autograph." Ed turned around, surprised it was me. "Lyla?!" He reached out to hug me but hesitated. " You look great, it has been so long, almost four years, right?" He grinned and I almost lost it. Still cute as ever. " Yep, so long ago." " What are you doing here?!" we both exclaimed at the same time. " I go to the University, my friend drug me here." " I'm here visiting a friend, possibly staying for awhile. Ed introduced me to his friend, Pat, who is a D.J. " I'm staying here for a bit, don't know if I will be going to Uni, possibly." Ed and I found somewhere to sit and we talked just like we used to do. We talked for so long, I lost track of time. "Oh my gosh, Kelsie has probably been looking all over for me!" " I hope she hasn't left!" My phone buzzed. Kelsie sent a text saying she was headed to a club to watch a performance and could I get a ride home. I was slightly annoyed that she had left me but I said, yes, I would find a ride. " Something wrong?" Ed asked as he drank another shot. " No, my friend left, guess I have to find a ride. "No worries, I will get you home." Ed didn't mention a girlfriend and I didn't ask, so I was a little disappointed when a pretty, blonde girl walked right up to him and put his arms around him " Hey babe, who is this?" " This is Lyla, an old friend, a good friend," he stammered. The girl glanced at me but didn't bother to introduce herself. "Babe," though she said it like there were two syllables, "ba-abe." I told myself i would never sound like that. Whiny. Blech. " I'm starving, let's go get pizza." The girl was pretty, but annoying. Didn't seem like Ed's type, at all. " Uh, I have to do something, I told Lyla i would get her home. The girl did not seem fazed at all. " Baby, I'm hungry and Lyla is a big girl, she can call a cab." The girl was whispering something in Ed's ear, causing him to blush. " It's cool, I mean, I can call a cab, no biggie." Ed looked a little, annoyed, upset even? " Sorry lyla." Ed told the girl to go upstairs, he would be there shortly. "I wanted to talk to you, can you meet me for lunch tomorrow?" I said yes and we exchanged numbers. I couldn't help but feel like this would be high school all over again...
I reluctantly agreed to meet Ed at a cute, little diner down the street from the University. I was reluctant because I knew how this would turn out. Ed would say the girl was a friend, I would get my hopes up, and be miserable all over again. My roommate was not in our room, which was a good thing. We didn't get along but I knew she would ask a bunch of annoying questions, if she had been here. I texted Kelsie but she must still be sleeping. I couldn't decide on what to wear. Nothing seemed to look good on me. I decided on a strapless blouse, baby blue with rinestones. It was still pretty warm for October, but I grabbed a jacket anyways.
I was five minutes late and Ed is not here yet. The waitress told me I could seat myself, as they weren't busy yet. I would give him fifteen minutes then I would leave. It was exactly 1:30 when I decided I would pay and then leave. Good one, Ed. I checked my phone, just in case I missed a message, but of course, no messages. As I stood up, Ed walked in. He looked cute and it was like he didn't even have to try. " Sorry Lyla, my ride was late." "You weren't trying to bail, were you?" he asked with a sly grin. " No," I replied quickly. " I need to use the restroom." Which was a lie, but I didn't need to tell Ed that. I went to the restroom anyways. I washed my hands and reapplied my lip gloss. Ed would just have to wait. I texted Kelsie and told her to call me ASAP. I waited a few minutes and still no reply. As I walked back to the table, I almost regretted it. I could have left and told him I got really sick and could I take a rain-check? But I wasn't a coward. Neither was Ed, just indecisive? Ed smiled and said, "I was getting worried, everything ok?" " Yeah," I was looking for something in my purse." " I thought I left my money at home but it is in my wallet." " No worries, I can pay." " Are you sure your girlfriend won't mind?" Ed looked embarrassed but said, " Tiffany is not my girlfriend." Typical Ed. Deny. "Um, okay but she was getting close to you." "Look, i have been seeing her a few weeks but it isn't serious." " I see, I wasn't being nosy, it isn't a big deal but we can go half." Ed chuckled and said, "Lyla, you haven't changed a bit."
We talked for awhile before heading out. Ed invited me to a bar next Friday to watch him perform. I told him, possibly and could I bring someone? He seemed disappointed but said I could bring whoever I wanted. I had been seeing someone, Justin. We did go out a few times, I wasn't sure if we really were dating, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Ed had matured but I could tell he liked to play games, still. Maybe he would learn his lesson!
Justin was not able to go so I asked Kelsie to go and some of our friends. I was hoping I would meet someone there and make Ed jealous. Yes, I was being a little crazy but I just didn't want to get hurt again. Maybe running into Ed wasn't a good thing after all....
Friday night arrived and I was a nervous wreck! Kelsie did my hair and make-up, I didn't even recognize myself after she was done! But she said I looked "amazing" and if Ed didn't notice, he was blind and dumb!
   We got to the club at 9:45, just fifteen minutes before Ed was going to play. Kelsie talked one of the guys into buying her a beer, but I drank a Coke. I didn't want to get kicked out and miss Ed playing. Some guy gave a brief introduction and Ed walked onto the stage. His songs were incredible. He really put alot of emotion into what he was singing. Before the third song, Ed asked the audience to be quiet. " This next song I wrote on a whim, actually." " But it explains exactly how I feel." "Lyla, this one is for you." Ed slowly strummed his guitar and began singing, "When your legs don't work like they used to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet..."

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