So Long

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    Rayanne and I slept in to almost 1:00p.m the next day. As was a tradition for my parents and I, on New Year's Day, we went to our favorite Chinese buffet. Rayanne was invited but said her mom would be mad if she didn't eat her pork and sauerkraut. I left my phone at home (another holiday rule, at least during dinner) so I wouldn't be tempted to check my phone.
      When I got home, I changed into my pajamas, though it was only 6:00p.m.and saw that Ed had called me twice, and left two messages. I contemplated deleting the messages right away, but the pathetic part of me had to know what he said. After replaying the second message at least three times, (the first one was the wrong number), I deleted them both. I wanted to respond, but thought it would be better to ignore. He would get the picture, eventually. Ed was not dumb...
      School didn't start until Wednseday, so I had two more days to do absolutely nothing. My mom woke me up Monday morning to ask me if I needed anything at the store. I said no, but then remembered I was due for my period next week, so I needed tampons. "What are your plans for the day, Lyla?",my mom asked as she glanced around my room. "Uh nothing much." " You know, the usual, sleeping in, watching Netflix, maybe go.." but my mom quickly interjected. "Those sound like lovely plans, but you should do your laundry that is overflowing from your basket." " Yeah, good idea, mom." I smiled weakly as my mom left the room.
     Around 10:00 a.m., I saw a text from Ed. This was becomimg a nuisance! I should have been excited but I was more apprehensive. After I saw him and Annabelle on New Year's Eve, I thought for sure he liked her still, but he also looked less than thrilled about her behavior. I texted back, Hi, and waited. A few minutes later and Ed texted he wanted to talk to me and could he come over? I panicked. Why couldn't he leave me alone?! My mom had left over an hour ago, she probably had a few more places to go after getting groceries. I texted my mom and asked her if Ed could come over. She called me and said yes, but" he is not allowed in d told her, he wasn't that kind of friend, but I don't think she believed me. I texted Ed and said he could come over but he couldn't stay long, I had a busy day planned. He said he would be over in fifteen minutes. I didn't want to look like I tried too hard, so I brushed my hair and put it back in a bun. I changed into jeans and a t-shirt and put on some mascara. I looked presentable. Besides, Ed never seemed to notice how I looked. While I waited, I started a load of laundry and even loaded the dishwasher. I saw Ed getting dropped off at the end of our driveway. I waited until he rang the doorbell , I didn't want him to think I was anxious. I invited him in, he looked a little upset. "Do you want a coke?" I asked him as I went to grab myself one. "No thanks." I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a glass, filling it with ice. "Lyla, I just wanted to say, I really am sorry, for everything." " I've been a bit of an ass." A bit?, I thought, but didn't say it. "I didn't plan on spending New Year's Eve with her, it was a last minute thing." "I was planning on spending it with, well, you." "I dont have feelings for Annabelle." "I liked her, at one time, but she could be bossy, rude, and she said nasty things about her friends." This did not surprise me, I always knew Annabelle is a little two-faced. " Lyla, I wish I had chosen you but I can't make that up to you, not how I would like to." " Just think about giving me another chance, I don't want to hurt you again." I thought about what I wanted to say, I couldn't blurt out the first thing that came to mind. "Ed, I need time to think about it, ok?" " I need to know you are serious and won't let Annabelle get in the way." "Ever.".Ed agreed and he said he would give me all the time I needed. Good. He would wait.

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