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Start from the beginning

"No, your majesty. I was just concerned about my king"

"Then you should know that I'm more concerned than you are, but I have hundreds of men entrusted to me as well and I cannot betray them and leave them to their deaths along with millions of people who are waiting for me. I know my duty, general, but the question is, do you know yours?" He replies quietly, and if his expression is real this time, he doesn't think about it, because Harry left him with too many feeling to control and honestly ... he can't. So he turns to the soldiers again, "Anyone else willing to question my authority?" He waits for a beat while the whispers die, "Good. We move at dawn" He turns again to the general, "Gather the rest of the generals and meet me at the king's tent. I'll tell you our plan" He sees the general nod then he leaves.


Before the army starts moving again, Liam takes him to the same area he went to last night. Zayn was actually surprised they listened to him, but he's grateful nonetheless.

"There" Liam says quietly and Zayn sees his sad and closed expression before he follows his gaze. It's a bit far, and Zayn knows why Liam won't move forward, but he should, so he moves first.

"Come on" He tells Liam and their horses move until he can see the pile of bodies and the horrible smell hits him all at once, and it doesn't help that there are flies around them. It's inhuman, and Zayn's blood boil by just watching the cruel way they were killed by, different body parts cut and thrown over the other, and all is left to recognize them by is their hair stained by blood along with their clothes torn apart. He closes his eyes for a moment, a hand to his chest as he prays for their souls. "I will never tolerate this. It's either my life or theirs. The French do not get to enter my country, kill my people, and dare to murder my allies in such way!" He exhales slowly, "May your souls rest in peace" He whispers and turns to leave, reopening his eyes, but Liam doesn't follow and instead gets down from his horse making him furrow his brows, "What are you doing?"

"Giving their bodies a peaceful resting place"


"At least you can honor them!" He turns to him, "I'm not leaving my best friend's body to rot!"

"You'll leave with me just like you left last night" Zayn replies sternly, "You know exactly why you can't have his body!" Liam still won't move and Zayn sighs deeply, getting down from his horse as well to grab his arm, "Listen to me, Liam. I will honor him in my own way. I'll kill those who did that to him, just ... I can't have his body transferred in front of the men that I lied to!"

Liam stares at him for a moment, eyes desperate as he speaks up again, "Then at least let me bury him here"

"We don't have much time-"

"Please" Liam asks again, voice weak, and Zayn huffs a breath.

"Two people are better than one" He offers a smile but Liam doesn't return it.

"You'll get yourself dirty" He points out quietly. "You're a queen"

Zayn rolls his eyes and walks past him, "You get dirty in wars, and ... I'm a soldier"

He helps him with the bodies, and something catches his eyes before they throw the dirt on them. It's bloody too like everything else, but Zayn picks Harry's necklace.

"Liam" He waits until Liam turns to him and he hands it to him, "Take it. I believe I already have something to my own" He pushes it into Liam's hands and continues his work quickly. Zayn doesn't realize it, but whenever his hands find their way to each other, his fingers start tracing the ring slowly.


When Zayn returns to his tent, he doesn't change into a new dress. He quickly cleans his hands and pulls his hair up in a ponytail then putting on an armor. One advantage of having dead people is that he at least gets to have theirs, and he grabs a sword as well.

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