An attic of treasures and mysteries

Start from the beginning

Alison dumped her bag and sunk into the chair that Maisie had been occupying. “I can’t believe she said that to you Ali, it’s com-” Max began, but Alison held her hand to stop him.

“Don’t worry about it Max, let her think what she wants… she just hates me because you’re my best friend and would rather spend time with me then go out with her. She’s the jealous one, trust me.”

“How do I get rid of her? I mean she’s always following me!” Max asked, smiling mischievously. Alison laughed.

“Well you could tell her to get lost, or there are more drastic things that you could do that would mean she was gone… permanently.” Alison teased which resulted in Max throwing a napkin at her head.

“Not to people we know, you know that Ali,” He retorted, “although I guess we could make an exception for her... we’d do it to anyone that hurt you, you know that don’t you?” Alison tried to reign in a sigh as the conversation turned serious. She hated them thinking of her as so fragile but they did and they always would.

“I know, don’t worry … but I can look after myself too,” She said quietly, it would fall on deaf ears. They never seemed to accept that she was capable of surviving. But one day she would be like them and they would have to accept her as being strong enough, although she had a funny feeling that even then they would still treat her as fragile. There would be no escape. Alison glanced down at her coffee, the one Maisie had been drinking from it seemed. She sighed.

“Well seeing as I’m not touching that coffee should we head out... there’s something I have to show you!” Her voice seemed brighter and she smiled at what she had in mind.

Max quickly downed the rest of his drink and stood up; putting his coat back on for appearances sake as he never felt the cold and taking Ali’s bag from the floor. “Should I be worried?” He asked with a grin on his face.

Ali crossed her arms and glared at him. “One, I can carry my own bag, and two, why do you always think that what I have planned will be bad? This is awesome, trust me. You’re going to love it!” Max just laughed and pushed her bag higher up his shoulder.

Ali shook her head and followed him out of the shop. She steered them through the shopping centre towards the shop where her surprise was. As they were approaching the shop her smile grew. “Max?” She said sweetly, dragging out his name.

He stopped and looked down at her, “Yes Ali?” his voice clearly betrayed him as worried about what she was going to ask of him.

“You know that James King is having that party next weekend?”

“Yes? What about it?”

“Well you know that the whole year is invited?”

“And Amy, what of it?” Max could tell that Alison was dragging this out, trying to build up the tension of what she was going to show him.

“Exactly, well it’s a costume party.” An excited smile lit up her face.

“Oh great.” Max did not sound happy, “I take it you have some hilarious outfit you want me to wear?”

“What? No! I have something better; I’ve found something that me, you and Amy can wear!”

“Right that makes me even more worried!” He declared as Alison guided them into the fancy dress shop. She and Kirsty had been in here the other day, looking for outfits that they could wear to the party.

“It’s a Halloween party… and I think we should all go as… vampires!” Alison suddenly announced, pulling Max into the Halloween section and giggling as he took in the vast array of costumes. Max burst out laughing at her suggestion.

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