Unexpected Allies

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"What did you say?" Thorin asked with a dangerously low voice. Kili tried to reach out for Amee but she stepped away from him and closer to the dwarf that could easily kill her.

"I knew... Bilbo showed it to me and I couldn't let you have it. It wasn't right." Amee said harshly.

Thorin took a step towards her, ready to strike but Bilbo stood up for her.

"You are changed, Thorin. The dwarf I met in Bag End, would never have gone back on his word nor would he raise his hand towards his own nephew's betrothed, a fellow companion." Bilbo said, grasping Amee's hand. "The Thorin we knew would never have questioned the loyalty of his kin!"

"Do not speak to me of loyalty. You and that harlot means nothing to me." Thorin told them with venom in his voice.

"Throw the hobbit from the rampart!" Thorin yelled to his men as Kili held Amee back, too afraid of what his uncle might do. No one dared to move a muscle. Amee could not believe that Thorin would give such an order.

When Thorin understood that no one would do it, he went ballistic.

"Did you not hear me!" He roared and tried to force them to do it. Amee tried her best to free herself from Kili's hold. She had promised Bilbo that she would protect him no matter what and she couldn't stop now.

"I will do it myself." Thorin growled and launched himself towards Bilbo. Amee wiggled her way lose and ran forward.

"No!" Amee screamed, taking in the impact on herself. Thorin was blind with rage, and grabbed a hold of the smaller dwarf's neck and for some reason, Amee didn't fight him. She knew it would be an even greater harm to hers and Kili's unborn dwarfling.

"Amee! Uncle, let her go!" Kili yelled with the support of the other dwarves. Bain knew better than to let Kili get involved in all of this, so he held the young dwarf back. Oin was the only one beside Bilbo that knew about the unborn prince or princess, and he struggled his way over to them.

"Thorin! Think about this for a minute. Think about what you're doing to the princess." Oin pleaded, but it only made Thorin angrier.

"Cursed be the wizard that forced you on this company. You are not worthy our company!" Thorin yelled, threatening to drop Amee from his hold.

"If you do not like my dwarf nor my hobbit, then please do not damage them. Return them to me. You're not making a very splendid figure as king under the mountain, are you, Thorin, son of Thrain." Gandalf said, making himself known. It seemed to do the trick, and he tossed Amee back in, and Bofur helped her up. Kili just stood there, not knowing what to do, or what to believe. The one he loved has lied to him, but someone had threatened her and still he did nothing.

"Never again will I have dealings with wizards, shire rats, or supposed saviors!" Thorin roared, as Bilbo managed to find the rope they used the night before. Amee looked towards Kili again, silently begging for him to join her, but he did not dare cross his uncle. Amee never felt more betrayed. He promised to always stand by her. Now, nothing mattered anymore.

"Come along, princess. Let's get away from here." Bilbo pleaded her. Amee nodded and started the climb down from that wall, and away from the love of her life.


Lord Elrond shielded his eyes from the bright light, waiting an attack on the ones residing in this secret kingdom.

"Intruder!" He heard someone yell, and it set everything in motion. The creatures living here, started yelling, getting ready to defend the place that's been their home for the last 70 years.

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