Chapter 4: Who is the Target?

Start from the beginning

"Not sure Potter... but I do know this. If this is from that old story my dad used to tell, we are in no danger as long as we don't look at it directly and as long as we are purebloods." Draco said finding something to watch and flipping the channel. Harry decided asking more questions would lead nowhere what he really needed was to wait and not look at the walls until this conflict is resolved. Still, why did they need Harry for this task? He didn't even want to be a death eater let alone serve Voldemort.

Harry sat up in bed late that night wondering about the monster, suddenly he heard it a faint noise, he wasn't sure but he thought he heard it say kill. Harry jumped out of bed and put his ear to the wall to listen better. "It's moving." Harry nudged Draco awake. "Draco do you hear it? It's going to kill..." Draco sprang up out of bed with a big smile on his face.

"I hope it gets the squib Filch this time. Let's go look!" Draco ran out the door so intent on finding the new kill that he didn't realize he'd left in just his underwear. Harry grabbed one of Draco's robes and ran down after him.

"Draco slow down. You're in your knickers. What if we are caught, do you want to be found half naked?" Harry whisper yelled.

Draco slowed down and slipped the robe on. "Hurry up Potter! Or the teachers will find it first!" They ran down the hall Harry following the sound in the walls, Draco following the spiders. Harry turned the corner and stuck his arm out sideways to keep Draco from moving. "I know that boy. Oh what's his name, the boy that takes all the pictures? THAT'S RIGHT! Collin Creevy he tried to take a picture of me before the sorting." Draco smiled again when he saw that the small boy was a Gryffindor.

"Ok now we know who he got let's get out of here." Draco said running back to the common room, Harry close behind. As they ran they heard numerous voices behind them screaming about the attack. Once they got to the dorms they were sure someone would have seen them but no one confronted them. Once up in the dorm though they found someone had been going through Draco's things. "What are you doing in my cabinet?!" Draco pulled his wand out as the small boy closed the drawer.

"Sorry Draco, I was bringing you an urgent letter that was left for you in the owlery... I put it with your things in the... please don't hurt me!" The boy coward away and tried to run but Draco grabbed him by the robe and stared at him.

"Next time just leave it on the bed worm. Don't ever let me catch you in my things again or you'll regret it now get out of here!" Draco pushed the boy out the door.

"Why are you always so mean Draco?" Harry sat on the edge of his bed while Draco opened the drawer looking for the letter.

"Got to be hard as a stone Potter, otherwise people will walk all over you." Draco spat. Harry noticed in that same drawer Draco had hidden his wizard's chess. He wondered if the boy had seen it while putting the letter in there. Draco found the letter and sat on his bed and began to read it aloud.

"Dear Draco,

As it turns out house elves breed like rabbits... the first batch of elf's was at 6 and we didn't even have to wait that long for them haha! We are up to 25 now and we've already sold about half. We are making a fortune! This brings me to the point of this letter...son. I have reserved for you and Harry to have your own personal house elves. All you guys have to do is name them and they are yours... Bloody elves aren't good for more than servants!"

"Potter, we got ourselves some house elves. Dad gave us one each free. I'll write my father immediately. However I bet they'll not be able to work until next year, at least not for hard stuff... but they should still be able to do magic by next month." Draco pulled out a parchment a quill and a thing of ink and began to write to his father. "What did you want to name yours Potter?" Draco asked, looking up.

"Um... perhaps Doofus... or Dimwit..." Harry said letting out a small chuckle. "I don't really think it necessary to have a house elf though."

"Good idea Potter... sorry though you can't use Dimwit because that's what I'll be naming mine." Draco said beginning to write again. Harry looked out at the lake. "Sometimes when I look at the lake it makes me want to go swimming... you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure Harry whatever..." Draco replies.

Harry sighed and lay in bed. He knew talking to Draco right now would be pointless as Draco was in the middle of writing and was only half listening. Harry drifted into sleep thinking about being able to swim like fish do.

"Harry Potter..." A voice called to him as he sat out staring at the lake. "Harry Potter..." Harry stood up and looked around. He was outside Hogwarts castle at the lake. At the sound of his name he acted on impulse and jumped into the lake to find where the sound was coming from. Harry looked around in the water but couldn't find anything. Still the voice called, it sounded farther away now. "Harry potter..." The voice continued to call.

"Where are you? Do you need help?" he called as he looked around, suddenly the breath caught in his throat and he gasped for air. He hadn't realized that he was having trouble breathing in the water. "I'm going to drown!" The thought suddenly hit him as he tried to reach the surface for air. Suddenly there was a bright yellow flash and Harry grew gills from his neck and his feet webbed together to make a fin. 'I've turned into a mermaid?' Harry thought. He swam to the bottom of the lake following the voice.

"Harry Potter... beware... terrible things are going to happen." Suddenly Harry sat up in bed staring into the dark room. "What... what happened..." Harry asked, confused.

"Time for breakfast." Draco said watching the sun raise over the horizon.


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