My Heart Moves

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I sit on a hinge of emotions. Each time I move, a new emotion. It's an unstable force of being bipolar, and I was sad, heartbroken, and angry. Now I sit on the side of peace, acceptance, and near joy. It's a quick passing, but it was so quick because I finally learned what I needed to learn: when someone means the world to you, be careful. I'd say it was not my fault, but it was not his either. Simply a change in feelings is all it takes. In life, you sit on a hinge of emotions, and usually you're stable. One change, affects your life at that moment. For him, the feeling slowly faded because there was never any time, and we are truly better as friends. For me, it took tears, but the love ran out. Over the course of this day, God showed me that you can love someone, but one thing can change that. I think this was a final push of, "it's just not him". I understand that now...and soon I'll move on completely, and we'll be no more than close friends, as it was before. I hate the saying, but there are plenty of fish in the sea, you just have to take that quote for more than it is.

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