Between Darkness and Delieveance

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PART1: The Angel

Introduction-Billions of years ago their was 1 universe, but three slipknknots in time. Three kings known as Helios ruled the nexus's in time. There advisors, the lords of shadow, oversaw the people who lived in the slipknknots. The Helios ruled with an iron fist. The creators of time, the celestials, saw how the Helios were ruling, and intended to change that. They created Radriar, an all powerful being that would be able to destroy the Helios. He attacked each Helio, killing them with extreme force. When he reached the last Helio, he tried to use his advisors against him. But it didn't work, and they locked him in a cage. The cage was in the phantom zone, and the worker of souls lived there too. The phantom zone is a place where time does not exist. The worker created a sword so powerful it took its victims souls. Radriar escaped, and challenged the Helio to a duel. Radriar won, but the Helio separated the 1 universe into 3, destroying him and Radriar. The sword flew to the phantom zone, and became more and more powerful. The worker of souls freed himself from his cage, and used the sword to gain energy, enough to take over the universes.


There is no good or evil in this world, only choices. If somebody was truly good or evil, the world would be destroyed. I blame myself for a lot, but I know all I did was make a wrong choice. My story started with one wrong choice, which led to the end of the world. My story begins here, in a Vietnamese controlled military garrison in Laos during the second Vietnam war.

"You in position wrench?" Osprey asked.
"Yeah, I am." Wrench responded.
"I'm in position" Sentinel stated.
"Look up y'all !" I yelled.
"Rex, what are you doing?" Sentinel asked.
"When you hear the window break, breach." I said
"What the hell Dragon" Wrench said.
I got a good running start, and ran towards the ledge. I jumped off and got enough velocity to break through the window without seriously injuring anything. I pulled my handgun out, and started shooting at the enemies. The doors flew open, and the rest of the team came in guns blazing. I stopped the target, but he made a run for it. I chased after him.
"Where are you going Rex?!" Osprey asked.
"The target is trying to run, I can't let that happen." I responded.
We made it to a catwalk, and he stopped running. I stopped too, hand on my gun ready to draw and shoot if I had to.
"This in my hand is a detonator to a nuclear bomb, if you kill me, it blows up." The target said. I figured he was just bluffing, so I shot him. He fell over the railing into a pool of acid. A couple seconds later I felt a rumble.
"Fuck, he launched a nuke." I told the team.
I ran towards the rumbling, and found a hangar. I saw the nuke elevating towards the sky. I jumped on to it, just barely holding on. I climbed the nuke, almost falling a few times. I found a panel. I ripped it off, and placed my breaching charge on it. I jumped off the nuke, watching it blow up in the sky.
"Holy shit" Wrench said.
"Well then" Sentinel stated.
I pulled my parachute just in time, and landed safely at the enemy garrison.
"That was sick Rex!" Wrench exclaimed.
We were about to leave, and felt another rumble, it got more extreme and extreme. We saw a rocket fly into the sky. It had US flags on it. Osprey ran to the command console, all their routes were too US allies. Osprey couldn't change their routes. The Vietnamese police came and surrounded us. They arrested us, and put us in prison. We were there for years.


We were planning an escape for months. The day we were going to do it, the sirens went off. Next thing we know the prison guards are running down the halls and letting all the prisoners out of their cells. The guards were handing them weapons and telling us to kill the enemy. We killed a couple of the guards, and ran to the bunker door. Our prison was an underground shelter, if a nuclear bomb fell, we wouldn't even feel it. The hatch was sealed shut. I shot the latches off, and we opened the hatch open. It was dark, very musty. The world was a nuclear wasteland.
"What happened here?" Wrench asked.
"Those nukes started WW3" Sentinel responded
"We need to get back to America, it may be alright" Osprey said concerned.
"Maybe there are survivors" I said
"A nuke, I don't think so" Wrench said
"What about us" Sentinel said
"AHHHHHHHHHH, HELPPP" a person cried out in the distance.
"You guys hear that?" wrench asked.
"Yeah" we responded.
We looked into the distance, and saw a man running from something. He was looking behind him, and looked forward and there was some humanoid creature that wasn't there before. The man ran into it, and it grabbed his head. The man started glowing, and it turned into some creature.
"Holy Shit." Wrench said feared.
The man rose to its feet, and became something else. It looked at the humanoid creature, and the humanoid creature pointed towards us. The creature started running toward us. The humanoid thing dissapered into the air. The creature was a sleek, thin thing with dark grey skin and red eyes. It extended its arms out and had claws come out of its fingers. We drew our weapons, and we heard gunshots ring off in the distance. The creature fell to its feet, howling like a dying wolf. It melted into ash. 3 men jumped down behind us, and looked  at us in shock.
"What did I tell you Josh, more and more survivors everyday." One of the men said to another.
"Where are you from?" One of them asked.
"Who are you?" Osprey asked.
"I asked first." One of the men said.
"A Vietnamese prison." Sentinel said.
"Now, who are you?" Osprey repeated his question.
"Survivors, this is Josh, this is Ezequiel, and I am Miguel. We were working in a mine when the bombs hit." Miguel responded.
"We were in Task force 24, we are SAS, but formed a coalition with the United States to stop the Vietnamese invasion of Laos." Wrench said.
"We have a camp about 2 miles away from here. But it's almost nightfall, we need to go." Ezequiel said.
We trekked for miles, before finally reaching the camp.
"There's food, clothing, weapons, and shelter. Take whatever you need." Josh said.
"The hell is going on?" Wrench asked me.
"I don't know" I responded.
"I'll ask that Josh guy, he seems friendly enough." I said.
"Alright, just make sure you get the rest of us when you ask him." Wrench said.
"Alright." I responded.
I walked around and thought I need some new clothes. I saw a building with clothes in it, and walked in. There was loads of clothes. I grabbed a black shirt, camouflage pants, some old boots, and a trench coat. I put them on and walked around a little more. I found a place with a lot of weapons, so I walked in and grabbed two handguns, two knives, a tomahawk, crowbar, assault rifle, and crossbow. I looked around for Josh, and in my careless walking I walked into a lady.
"Sorry" I said
"Are you new here?" she asked.
"Yes, some guys saved me and my friends. They brought us back here." I responded. Wrench walked up behind me.
"This one of your friends?" The lady asked.
"Yeah, his names wrench. I'm Jed, but my nicknames Rex."
"Well good to meet you Jed and wrench, I'm Sarah, and I'm sure I'll be seeing you two around."
She walked off.
"Bye Bye" wrench yelled.
"I see you've found yourself some clothing." I said to wrench.
He was wearing a hoodie with a vest, and some jeans.
"I look pretty good, right?" Wrench asked.
"For a teenager, yes" I said.
"Shut up" he said.
We looked around for Josh, and finally found him. He was sleeping on a bench.
"Get up sleeping beauty." Wrench said.
"What you think you own the place or something." Josh said.
"Look we've got something to ask you." I said.
"Well what is it." Josh asked.
"What happened to the world?" Wrench asked.
"You don't know?" Josh said concerned.
"No, we were in a prison for a long time." I said.
"Look, a lot of nuclear bombs went off in a lot of different places. They killed a lot of people. The bombs were US made and produced. So all the countries who were attacked, retaliated. This started WW3. The United States was destroyed, and survivors fled all across the world. Britain was running out of weapons, so they drilled for more fuel. They unleashed an ancient evil, that was what you saw when we rescued you. They call themselves Helios, and their minions are demons. The Helios completely took over Britain, they reside there now. But the legend says that Radriar, an ancient cosmic warrior can destroy them. But he needs his sword, which is lost in time."
We looked at him in shock.
"The prophecy says that the reincarnation of Radriar will destroy Earth with a wrong choice, and bring it back with a good choice."
Wrench looked at me
"What?" Josh asked.
"We were in that prison because we killed a Vietnamese general. We didn't know he had nukes on him. He pulled the detonator after I shot him." I said.
"Follow me." Josh said "Both of you."
We walked to a bigger, more neat building than the others. We walked inside and followed Josh up a set of stairs. He stopped at a door.
"Look, be on your best behavior, and speak when told."
"Okay." Me and Wrench said in sync.
We walked inside, and found a man sitting on a chair.
"What is the meaning of this visit Joshua." A loud booming voice said.
"I would like to request a leave of absence, and take 7 eligible citizens of my choice." Josh asked.
"Why must you leave?" The man asked.
"I believe the prophecy will be fulfilled, and I must see if this is true."
"Granted, you will be granted one vehicle, and basic survival supplies. Gather your citizens and meet me at the gate at dawn."
"Thank you" Josh said.
"Get a good nights rest tonight, we won't be getting it for a long time." Josh said.

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