Elisabete jumped upon hearing the loud noise and Loki chuckled as he watched her put her hand over her chest, catching her breath. He walked up towards her and stopped a few inches away from her. She slowly lifted her head up from the floor and looked up at his face and into his eyes. He took her hands in his and she panted softly, not knowing what was to happen.

    "You are wondering why you are here, no?" Loki asked.

    "Yes." Elisabete replied.

    "You, my girl, are truly captivating to me. Your entire being does things to me that I cannot control any longer. You have bewitched me with your delicate charms. Most days, you are all I think about. I look forward to see your face every day. I have wanted this for some time and it was my last chance to have you for once you leave tomorrow afternoon, I can never have you in this way again. Just even your touch drives me wild." Loki explained to her.

    Elisabete smiled weakly and blushed hearing his words. She bit her lip as she glanced down at the floor. She furrowed her brow as Loki placed his finger under her chin and pushed her head up to face him once more.

    "I wonder...girl...do you think of me? Do you allow me to occupy the tiniest thoughts in that beautiful mind of yours?" Loki inquired.

    Elisabete's eyes widened in response and as she stuttered to reply, Loki laughed softly and nodded his head.

    "That's all I needed to know." Loki smiled.

    He caressed the side of her face and Elisabete flinched as he touched her.

    "Why do you turn from me? I mean no harm. I'd never hurt you and you know that." Loki told her.

    "I am aware of that, my king. I just don't understand." Elisabete spoke.

    "What don't you understand, girl?" Loki asked.

    "I know that you have brought me here to...but I don't know why." Elisabete replied.

    "I simply had to have you. You are divine. Thoughts of you are always rattling around inside my head. I've wanted you for some time now and I need you to satisfy my needs." Loki explained.

    Elisabete blushed as he spoke and let out a deep breath.

    "And I know you think of me the same way. Do not deny it." Loki commanded.

    She went to protest but Loki held up his finger to her lips to stop her.

    "You must follow your king's orders or I will not be pleased." Loki stated.

    Elisabete nodded her head and took a few deep breaths as Loki began to circle himself around her. He looked up and down her body, watching her fidget as her chest heaved in anticipation of what was to come. After a few moments, he pressed himself against her back and wrapped an arm around her waist. Elisabete gasped from the sudden contact and tensed up in his arms. He laid his chin on her shoulder and breathed heavily as he caressed her sides. His lips ghosted against the bare skin of her neck and she could feel his warm breath, enticing her in ways she wished she never felt. She felt her body shudder against his as he moved closer to her, straightening his body out. She felt herself leaning into him and she tilted her head towards his, biting her lower lip to keep her breath steady. He pinched her side and Elisabete giggled softly, trying to regain her composure. Loki chuckled deeply into her ear and sighed as she turned her head to face front.

    Loki leaned in close to her ear and she could feel his lips brush against it. His warm breath tickled her skin and she whimpered slightly as his hand moved down her body a little bit.

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