Chapter 14

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Murphy's Pov.

I saw Alex swaying side to side and she finally leaned over too far in Connor's direction and fell to the floor, hitting her head.

She didn't move at all, she was out cold.

"Fuck, why didn't you catch her Connor?" I yelled.

"Shit! I didn't know she was gonna faint." He said, watching me bend down and picking her up. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bed after the elevator doors opened.

"Should we take her to the hospital?" I heard Connor ask behind me.

"If she doesn't wake up in a few hours I will."

Connor nodded in agreement.

I got up and grabbed a rag from the bathroom, I soaked it in cold water and rung out the excess water.

I then paced back over to her bed side and gently laid the washcloth across her forehead.

She didn't move at all, and that worried me.

I sat on the edge of the bed and truly looked at her gorgeous features.

Lost in my thoughts, I caught myself gently caressing her cheek.

Brushing my fingers down her soft skin.

My fingers brushed her cheek, to her chin, to her neck, but I stopped at the neck of the shirt.

Her skin had goosebumps I noticed.

I pulled the cover up over her, and she still didn't move.

I wasn't sure how long we should wait till we take her into the hospital, I also had to come up with a story as of to what happened to her.

Connor came in with an extra pillow, "Here ya go Lass..." I heard him mutter, placing the extra pillow behind her head.

"You can't sit here and stare all day Murphy, we have things we need to take care of... people we need to take care of." Connor said, waiting on a response.

I exhaled loudly.

Connor started to walk away when he wasn't getting an answer from me, but he stopped dead in his tracks when I opened my mouth to speak.

"Alright, fine. Give me the address to this guy. I'll get in quick, and get the job done. But you, you're staying here and watching over her." I said, jabbing a finger at his chest.

"Ye not doing this on yer own." Connor pointed out.

"I'll take Rocco."

Connor stood there thinking about it, he exhaled slowly and found a pen and paper to write down the address.

He handed me the address, and I walked out the door.

What Connor didn't know was that I wasn't taking Rocco with me, he would only slow me down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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