Chapter 13

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I ran to work, worried I'm going to be late.

When I burst through the doors, I have eye contact with Doc. I take in a sharp intake of breath, I feel the cold sweat against my forehead.

"I-I'm sorry Doc for being late." I quickly say, stumbling over my words.

"What are ye talking a-a-about? You ain't late. FUCK, ASS." He says.

"Are you okay e-e-enough to work?" He asks me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm okay Doc. I really am," I said, trying to force a smile.

"Those bags under your eyes say otherwise. You look like shit, lass. FUCK, ASS. Go back home and rest. Come back in tomorrow." He said, waving his hand shooing me off with a light hearted smile.

I simply nodded and started to walk out. I didn't even get out the door all the way when someone ran into me, I looked up and it was the Macmanus brothers.

Concern and severe worry heavily covered their faces.

They became a little untensed when they seen me.

"What the hell ye doin'?!" Connor asks.

"I was going to work," I explained.

"You're not even all the way healed up, you didn't even get sleep." Murphy said, pointing out the obvious.

"I was on my way home anyways." I said, a small smile formed on my face at the concern they had for me.

That was cute.

What the hell. No. Don't think that way, they're gonna kill me. They're murderers.

"We'll take you home." Murphy said.

The walk back was silent, but the silence was so loud.

When we made it back to the hotel, Murphy held the door for me. I gave him a soft mutter of, "thanks," and continued on my way.

I hit the elevator button for my floor but the Brothers wouldn't let me off, they hit their floor button.

"Stay, please?" Murphy said, brushing his arm against mine.

I shivered at the contact.

"Okay," I muttered.

I was absolutely petrified.

The elevator doors opened to their hotel room, my mind started to freak out and the room started spinning.

I fainted.

The Boondock Saints (love fan fic.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt