Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I forgot to put it in the last chapter but Connor does shoot that tattooed guy that attacked Alex.

A man with a scorpion tattoo on his chin under his lips is chasing me down an alley, who is he? "Run faster, Alex!" He yells, getting closer, how does he know my name? "Alex, wake up." He yells. But then it fades and I shoot up from the nightmare bumping my head. Wtf was that. I fall back onto the soft pillow and rub my head were I just hit it and I feel... Stitches. I have a huge headache not to mention. "God damn that hurt!" A familiar voice yells. I open my eyes wide and look around quickly. "Who the fuck are you?!" I yell. The cute one pushes me down onto the bed softly. "Don't move a lot, you have stitches." The other one said. " No dip Sherlock, That doesn't answer my question, who are you?" I ask, more like demand this time. "You really don't remember?" The blonde-ish one asks. "This is Connor, I'm Murphy." The cute one that pushed me back down on the bed said. "What do you remember?" Connor asks. "Well, um.-" I pause to scramble through my brain for answers. "My name is Alex, that's all I remember." I continued.
~~~ 1 week later ~~~
So Connor and Murphy made me live with them since they said I have a head injury and anything could happen. They turned out to be really nice guys after all. I get my stitches tooken out tomorrow too... They left at 4 o'clock pm and now I was waiting on Connor and Murphy to get home, they went out to see a guy named, Doc?  They said I knew him but I don't remember. It's now 6 o'clock Pm and I just got finish cleaning around the house for all the help they gave me, when they walk in. We all ate Dinner then Rocco came over and we watched a lil' bit of TV. Rocco fell asleep on the couch and Connor fell asleep on the floor in front of Rocco on the couch, It was just me and Murphy. I went to go fetch a blanket for Connor and Rocco, I covered them up and decided to go to bed also. Murphy, as always, slept in his bed and since Connor was in the living room I took his bed. "Good night." I whispered over to Murphy. "Goodnight." He replied in the darkness. I rolled over, facing the wall, and I couldn't go to sleep. I laid there for what felt like forever till I quietly and quickly tiptoed over to the door to not wake anyone up and stepped outside for a bit. I walked into the hall of the crappy hotel and walked a little, I just walked around thinking about that tattooed guy. I felt bad lying to Murphy and Connor I didn't tell them about that nightmare of the tattooed guy... I must of got so caught up in thought I didn't notice till' now that two warm arms wrapped around me, softly. I flinched but then relaxed into the arms once I found out who it was, "what are you doing up so late?" Murphy's voice asked sleepily. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I knew I was blushing and you could see a mile away. I didn't reply and he turned me around, I buried my face into his shirt-less chest. He's so warm, I thought. He took his hand and raised my chin, I looked him in the eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm just angry at myself, that's all. You should get back to bed." I said. "Don't be hard on yourself. Are you coming to bed with me?" He asked smirking. Oh my god, why must you be so attractive. He leaned down to kiss me, I closed my eyes and stood on my tip-toes. The moment I felt a spark when we kissed is when I remembered everything. It hit me in the face like a brick wall and I didn't know how to react to it. I opened my eyes wide and pushed Murphy away, harder than expected. "Murphy!" I shout with mixed emotions. "I know, I'm sorry. It was my fault I kissed you... I was dumb to do th-". "Hush, let me think." I said putting my finger to his lips, I was trying to get all of my memory back.
I ran away from home, I work at a bar with a guy named Doc. The tattoo guy does exist and he tried killing me because I didn't know who Connor and Murphy were gonna kill next. Connor and Murphy kill, holy fuck. I got hit in the head with something hard... Most importantly, Connor had a gun with a silencer and he shot that guy. 
"Murphy-". I paused. "I got all of my memory back." I continued and his face was filled with many emotions... Shock, happiness, relief, and... terror? Why terror? He walked over to me and squeezed my shoulders gently. "What do you remember." He demanded...
Holy, this was a really long chapter for you guys! You you enjoyed it. Love you guyssss 😁😻👊🏼.      886 words total

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