"I know," Ryan told him. "I want nothing more than to talk to her right now and apologize. Is she in her room?" Carlton took a deep breath, then nodded. "But you listen to me," he said, pointing a stern finger at him, "if she doesn't want to talk to you, if she wants you to leave, you better do just that. Understand?"

Ryan nodded and said, "Yes, sir." Ben watched him slowly climb the stairs. Now that this was all happening, Carlton knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, so he made himself a drink and sat on the couch. "Good lord, Hansen, if only you were here," he groaned. 


"Dani, honey, what happened?" Cassie quickly ushered her daughter inside and brought her into the kitchen. Carlton followed behind them as Dani explained her and Ryan's fight. "You've got to be kidding me," Cassie told her. "That boy has got some nerve."

Carlton put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Now, hang on, not that I'm defending him, but he was drunk. You know how I used to get when I drank and we would fight." Cassie gave him a sharp glare and said, "Yeah, but how does that always end?"

Dani giggled when he rubbed his arm and grimaced. Cassie turned back to her daughter and said, "Sweetie, you two just need some space. Give it tonight, then talk to him tomorrow. Actually, you know what, don't talk to him until he reaches out first. Keep him waiting."

She wiped her daughter's tears from her cheeks, then Dani said, "Okay. Thanks, mom." Cassie smiled at her girl and said, "You're welcome. Go up to your room and I'll have your dad make you your favorite tea."

After hugging her parents, Dani went upstairs and Carlton started boiling some water. "How do we keep her from getting hurt, Carlton?" He turned to look at her and said, "We can't. As much as I hate to say it, our baby isn't a baby anymore. We shielded her as much as we could before this point."

"I just didn't see Ryan as every other guy out there," Cassie pointed out. Carlton chuckled, "He is not. You just can't see our little girl upset and I understand that. Come here." He pulled her over to him and held her close. 

"You thought I was like every guy out there, yet you married me," he said, as he nudged their noses together. She smiled and put her hands on his neck. "As I recall," she said, "you got me pregnant." 

He laughed, then said, "True...but as I recall, we both agreed to wait. Only thing was, I couldn't. You were so goddamn beautiful after you gave birth to her, I couldn't wait, baby." He kissed her  with so much fever, she moaned into his mouth. 

Just as he slipped his hand into her hair...there were knocks on the door. "Dammit," he grumbled against her lips. She giggled, then lightly pushed him off to go answer the door. "Yes, Ryan?" She asked as she opened the door. 

Ryan stood there looking nervous. He was always nervous around her. "Hi," he said, "is, um...is Dani here?" She crossed her arms and said, "I don't know. Did you mention cancelling the wedding because of your job?"

Ryan sighed and looked at anything but her. "Ye-Yes," he stuttered. Just as she was about to shut the door on him, Carlton put his hand on it and stopped her. "Darling, stop," he told her. "Ryan, she's upstairs."

Cassie glared at Ryan as he squeezed past her. "Hey," Cassie said, "if she doesn't want to talk to you, if she wants you to leave, you better do just that. Understand?" He gulped, then nodded and said, "Yes, ma'am."

Carlton shut the door, then smirked at her. "You're sexy when you're mama bear comes out," he told her. She rolled her eyes with a small smile, then said, "Come on, I need a drink."


"Dad." Carlton jolted awake and looked up where Dani was standing over him. "Hey, um...Ryan and I are going home. Thanks for listening to my crying and complaining." Carlton stood up and brought her in for a hug. 

He kissed her head, then asked, "You worked everything out? Are you sure you don't want to stay the night? I can make us breakfast in the morning like old times." She shook her head with a small smile and told him, "No, it's okay. We talked and...we're going to be okay."

Carlton nodded and said, "Okay, well, if you need anything, call me. I love you, darling." He kissed her cheek, then went over to Ryan and shook his hand. "Thank you, Ben," he said. "See you soon."

Dani waved to Carlton as they walked to the car and he waved back. He shut the door once he saw they were safely down the street, then leaned back against the door. He wasn't entirely sure what just happened, but he knew he had never been more exhausted. 

And that he could definitely wait for that wedding. 


"I can't believe our baby is getting married," Cassie said, as she adjusted Ben's tie. He let out a light laugh and said, "I know. It seems just like yesterday she was pretending to be like you after watching one of your speeches. Remember that? She would watch you on T.V., then stand up on the couch and try and repeat it."

Cassie smiled fondly at the memory with tears in her eyes. "I must have watched the video you sent me a hundred times before I came home." She wiped away a few tears that escaped her, Carlton did the same for himself. 

"How is she?" He asked. She nodded and told him, "She's great. Nervous, but great. She's very excited." He smiled, then straightened himself up. "Well, she should be here any minute," he said. "I'm glad she decided both of us should walk her down the aisle."

Cassie sighed contently and told him, "So am I."


Carlton nearly jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and his breath caught in his throat. "Oh...my girl, look at you," he said as he looked over Dani. She was gorgeous in her dress. It also just so happened to be the dress Cassie wore on her and Ben's wedding day. 

Carlton couldn't bare to throw it out.

"Thanks, daddy," she said with a nervous laugh. "God, I'm so nervous. I may have drank one or two...or three glasses of wine before this." He chuckled, then gently ran his thumb over her cheek. "You look so much like your mother on our wedding night. I had never seen a more beautiful sight in all my life when your uncle rolled her out, you on her lap."

Dani had tears running down her cheeks as she said, "You never told me this." He nodded and continued, "Yeah, we had to get married at the hospital when she was very sick. Her final wish was to get married before she died. I made damn sure to give her that."

He quickly wiped his tears away, then took her hands in his. "She would be so damn proud of you, Dan. I cannot stress how much she loved you and I know that if she were here, she would probably be balling her eyes out right now."

Dani laughed and asked, "Just like you?" Carlton quickly wiped his eyes and said, "Just like me. Well, we best not keep your husband-to-be waiting. Ready?" He stuck his elbow out to her and she looped her arm around it and said, "As I'll ever be."

They walked up to the two double doors with the wedding party behind them and waited for their cue. When the wedding march started to play, Dani squeezed Carlton's arm. "Dad...what if I fall?" 

He looked over to her with a small smile and said, "Then I'll catch you. I always will, Pumpkin." She gave him a relieved smile, then started walking once the wedding planner told her to. Carlton will never forget the day he walked his daughter down the aisle to the rest of her life. 

Like Father, Like Daughter : The Story of the Prime Minister and His DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now