Returning to Konoha pt 4!

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Arekkusu's POV 

Laquia, Sasuke and I have beed traveling back to Konoha for 2  days now we already passed the fire country border and now we are close to the border of Konoha. Laquia is getting all happy and excited to see where I grew up and is excited to meet my friends... Well that is if  they remember me. My look did changes over the years i was gone. My red hair is now longer so i put int in a pony tail, I'v gotten a bit taller but not by much, and I wear a black sleeveless top with teal design's and black tights with black sandals. And not to mention the necklace Tamaki and Rin gave to me. Laquia looks a bit different too nice i met her. 

She now has longer and brighter orange hair and. her kind is tanner. Instead of a yellow dress she wore before, she now wears a plum color top and a dark purple skrit and black legging and high sandals. 

Before I even knew it we reached the entrance of Konoha, Laquia was trying to contain her excitement but was failing. She jumped up and down with her golden eyes filled with joy. Sasuke was talking to the guard and was saying that he when to retrieve a ninja from the hidden Crystal and found an old leaf shinobi. The ninja let us in and we went straight to the Hokages office. It was late in the morning, so one one was up yet. Well everyone expect the Hokage. Sasuke enter the Hokage's office to talk to Naruto. 

Sasuke's POV 

I walked into Naruto's office to see him with papers on his desk all filled out and him using his arms as a pillow and was sleeping. I knew their was only one way to wake him up. I went and made so ramen and when it was done in the microwave, I placed it on his desk and he shot up and eat his ramen." Good morning to you too." I said annoyed he didn't say anything."Oh good morning Sasuke, how was your trip to the hidden Crystal? And did you get the ninja?" Lord Seventh asked me." It was good and yes I did get the ninja and I brought someone back with me too." I said with a slight smile on my face."Yes Kakashi did say your bring back a former ninja?" Lord Seventh asked confused. " Alright Laquia you can come in." I said and she walked in. 

Naruto's POV 

A girl around Boruto's age walked into the room. She had bright orange hair and tan skin with golden yellow eyes. She wore a plum colored shirt with a dark purple skirt and black legging with high black sandals. " This is Laquia Tenpi." Sasuke said. She looked so excited to be here. " Hello Lord Seventh! its and honor to be chosen to be apart of the ANBU team here in the leaf village." She said. Boy she sure is happy to be here. I smiled and said " Well welcome to Konoha Laquia." She looked around and asked, " Hey do you know Arekkusu Aristu?" My eyes widen and she walked over to she door and started to pull on something or someones arm she finally got a girl in who I  recognized. She had long red hair in a pony tail with emerald green eyes, she wore a black shirt with teal designs and no sleeves with black legging with black sandals. She looked up at me. " Hehehe hi Lord Seventh." she said sheepishly. "A-A-Arekkusu!" I said and ran over to her and hugged her. "Its good to have you back home." I said as i let go. " Its good to be back." She said and took a step back. " Sasuke, please go and get Team Konohamaru and bring them here for a surprise. " Okay Lord Seventh." He answered and left the room. "Laquia you better go and meet your team in training ground 9." I said she nodded and left the room. "Excuse me Lord Seventh I have have to do something." Said Arekkusu. She climed out the window onto a leg and yelled " Hello Konoha Arekkusu Aristu is back!" I chuckled and thought about the time I went on a 3 year journey and did the exact same thing when I came back. She climbed back into the room. And then we here a knock at the door I quickly monitored Arekkusu to go behind the door and stay there until I gave a signal. "Come in" I said to see Team Konohamaru. " Hello everyone I said. And everyone said there greetings. Boruto I have a surprise for toy and your friends.Frist of all Boruto I have finished all my paperwork and I be home for your birthday." He smiled and jumped up and down."YOSH!" he said and the other surprise, You may come out now." I said. Arekkusu sun the door closed and everyone turned around another eyes in shock. " Hey guy's long time no see." She said. " AREKKUSU!!!!" everyone yelled and ran to her and hugged her. 

Arekkusu's POV 

"You may come out now." I heard Naruto said and I sung the door closed.Everyone looked my way and I saw my teammates looked at me in shock. Mitsuki just stood their shocked, Sarada's eyes where all watery and Boruto's eyes showed shock relief and and huge amount of love. "AREKKUSU!" everyone one said and Bourto basically jumped onto me and made me hit the wall he hugged me tightly soon Sarada joined and so did Mitsuki even Konohamaru joined in. 

Boruto's POV 

As the door swung closed it revealed....... AREKKUSU?!" SHE'S BACK!? FINALLY! "AREKKUSU!" All of us say i quickly jumped on Arekkusu and we hit the walk I am hugging her tightly and soon Sarada, Mitsuki  and even Konohamaur ran over and hug Arekkusu. Best Birthday ever. 

Love forms over time ( Bourto Uzumaki  x reader (OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें