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Arekkusu's POV (1 week later)

I am so happy to be back home and be with my teammates and friends!I haven't yet ro tell anyone one that I know how to use Ice style justus. Apparently its kinda rare to have 3 charka nature's and two of them creates a fourth one.

Everyone has changes in some way.Mitsuki is as clam as ever but when Boruto accidentally push the wronged buttons he will not be afraid to hurt him.

Sarada has change physical. Her stamina is way better and she knows Chidori and Chidori blade. She has better control of her charka and she is getting along better with Bourto than when I left.

Then thiers Bourto. He changed a lot he's no long the sarcastic fox faced fun living boy I met in the academy. He much stronger, less sarcastic and serious and times you need to be. But over all he's still loves having fun and protecting the ones he loves. Which is something I admire about him!

Today Boruto, Mitsuki, Sarada and I are going to meet up and spend so time with group bonding. As we walked down the roads on Konoha we hear my name being called out. I stoped and looked behind me to see Laquia."LAQUIA!" I said as I ran to her and gave her and big bear hug. Bourto Mitsuki and Sarada stood thier dumbfounded as they whached thier teammate hug a girl they never seen before.

"Everyone more Laquia she's a friend of mine from the hidden crystal."I said as let go of Laquia to turn to my team."Hi, Im Sarada and these two are Bourto and Mitsuki. We are
Arekkusus team." Said Sarada rather jealous. "Hi im Laquia I was one of Arekkusu training partners back in the hidden crystal. Any catch ya later Arekkusu." Said Laquia as she ran towards her team.

"She seems nice."said Bourto. I nodded my head and we walked over to the ramen stand. Me and Bourto order Miso ramen and Sarada and  Mitsuki order pork ramen. As we ate we talked about what happen over the years. Sarada was telling me about the time  when Boruto was having a really bad day. Frist he fell into the lake on his way to the training fields.
When he got to the training feild Mitsuki accidentally kick a ball and it Boruto in the head and a bunch of other things. We where all laughing all except Boruto.

Then It was my turn I told them about the time when I was learning a new water justus and the sharks went the wrong way instead of them going away from me they went to me and I got hit with my own Justus. Everyone laughed including me.

It was getting later and everyone went home except me and Boruto."Hey Arekkusu why did you leave in the frist place?" asked Boruto.Oh shit..........."Well I left because......I though I was just dragging you guys down." I said.Boruto looked at me puzzled."What do you mean?" He questioned."I though I would just hold you back." I explained.

Boruto grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a nice warm hug."You could never drag us down, dont let those scores determine how stronger than who.If you know your strong then your strong."Said Boruto. I wrapped my arms around Boruto's neck and hug him back. We stayed luke that for mins that felt like years. We finally pulled apart. I looked into him electric blue eyes while he looks into my neon green ones.

With out control we leaned closer to each other. Our faces getting closer and closer until thier was no more room left. We had just kissed each other.


Hey guys sorry for not updating in such along time I had testing for 4 weeks and I completely forgot about this story. I was working on another Boruto x reader if you want to read it its called Boruto x reader:Into the anime.

This chapter is dedicated to princess _hatake because she was the one to give me the idea for this chapter. I will try to update this chapter door than this time If I have time but after today I have 1 week and 3days before school is out I would have the whole summer to write.

Abd thank you for all the reads this makes me VERY HAPPY! thank you all and princess _hatake!


Love forms over time ( Bourto Uzumaki  x reader (OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora