A new Sensei

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Arekkusu's POV

I had just arrived in the Crystal Village. I saw a genin that looked about my age. I walked over to the the genin and tapped his shoulder. The younge boy had midnight black hair and light blue eyes. "Um, excuse me but can you tell me where Sensei Hari is?" I asked him. He looked at me then smiled."Sure I can show you she is my sensei, follow me, Im Tamaki." he said as he walked toward the forest. "Hey what is your name?"asked Tamaki questionably. You looked at him and said." I am Arekkusu Aristu a ninja of the hidden leaf." You said with a smile."Your a hidden leaf ninja!?" asked Tamaki shock to hear the answer. "Yeah." you said worried that the leaf and crystal villages where not on good terms."That's awsome! I always wanted to meet a leaf ninja!" he exclaimed. You sighed in reilf that his reaction was good. "Hey we are almost there." said Tamaki as we reached a cave full of beautiful purpleish-blue crystals. As we went further into the tunnel the prupleish- blue crystals became a greenish-aqua color."We are here and those 2 are my teammates,Laquia and Rin." Said Tamaki as he points 2 a girl with bright orange hair with tan skin and golden yellow eyes which I assumed that was Laquia and the thought I assumed was Rin he had brown hair witg azul blue eyes."Hey Laquia! Rin! meet Arekkusu." Tamaki said as he introduced me to his teammates. Laquia smiled and said "Hi! I am Laquia! and that over thier is Rin!" she point to the boy next to her. Thats when a red-head jonnin walked into the area she looks at me and gets into fighting stance."Who are you?" she questions cautiously. I sigh and replied."I am Arekkusu Aristu, ninja of the village hidden in the leafs. " I said abd her green eyes widen."Did you just say your name was A-a-Arekkusu? " she said shuddering a bit."Yes did you train my mother?" I asked hopefully her answer would be a yes. " yes I did train your mother Kushnii Aristu right?" she asked."yes are you Hari Aoi?" I questioned. She looked at me and nodded. "Indeed I am Arekkusu." Hari responded nicely. "Can you please help me get stornger. " I asked. Hair rises her brow. "Arnt you a ninja? And you have your own jonnin right? Why do you want me to teach you?" she questiond. I dropped my head and staired at the ground. "One of my teammates got hurt because of me ans you train my mother so I though maybe you could train me like you did her?" the asked Hari just smiled and said."Of course I will train you just like your mother. You will be train in with Tamaki, Laquia, and Rin for now on until you discide to return to your village." She said."When can we start?" I asked my new Sensei. She looked at me and said."Right now." 

Back at Konoha

Third Person PoV
Boruto recovered from his injury and is now walking with a search party looking for you. "Boruto can continue this tommrrow? We been searching for 2 days already." Asked/said Sarada as she put a hand on Boruto's shoulder.Boruto jerked his shoulder away from Sarada's grasp."No we need to keep looking.
Thats when Boruto's father Naruto came up to him."Boruto I know you feel guilt and sadness in your heart but you have to trust Arekkusu that she knows what she's doing." Said Naruto. Boruto nodes his head."Don't worry I am sure that she will come back to us." Naruto continued and led the search party back to Konoha.

Boruto looked up at the moon and saw a shooting star then made a wish
' I wish for Arekkusu to return back to Konoha one day in the future.'
Boruto wished and started to catch up with his dad and the others.

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