"Sam?" Jackie called as they knocked at the front door. "Sammy?"

"This is taking too long!" Zenin snapped as she turned on her heel and stormed to the backyard gate.

"Zenin!" Jackie called to the blonde, "Zenin, what are you doing!?"

"She's taking too long to answer and I'm fucking cold as fuck. We're getting in that house one way or another!" As she spoke, Zenin hoisted herself up and saddled the gate. "I'll open the gate!"

Jackie looked around, hoping no one saw than doing this. In a small town like this, word got around pretty fast and she didn't want her parents finding out about their break-in.

"Alright!" Zenin grinned as she pushed open the gate. "Now, she usually leaves a window or door open."

The two friends checked the windows and the patio door only to find that Samantha hadn't left one of them unlocked. The only way in was a small window that was for the bathroom as it was open but, it was small and required someone who was abnormally skinny to fit in it.

While neither of them was skinny, Zenin was leaner than Jackie and, by default, had to do it.

"This is bullshit!!" Zenin snarled as she hung from the window. She could fit into it, mostly. The only problem was that she had a butt and now she was stuck. "For fuck's sake! Jackie!!"

"What am I gonna do?!" Jackie called to her, staring at Zenin's dangling feet and butt. While the window wasn't high up, it wasn't exactly close to the ground either as Zenin had to precariously climb on a garbage bin to reach it.

"Help me!"


"I don't know, push me or something!"

"Fine!" Jackie reached up and gave Zenin a good old smack across the back of her thigh. That was apparently enough for Zenin to slip through the window and break a couple of things along the way. "Oops...."

"That was NOT what I meant!" Zenin called to her friend angrily, unbeknownst to Jackie Zenin was in a rather contorted position on the floor and ripped two handle bars out of the wall. When she managed to untangle herself and pop her bones back into place, Zenin hurried to let Jackie in or find Samantha whichever came first.

However, as she wandered through the house to the patio door, Zenin couldn't find Samantha at all. Only the remains of a snack and spilled water bottle told Zenin that the girl had been there at some point. She passed by the Xbox One and noticed that it was still running despite no one being home. That made no sense to Zenin as Samantha took great care of her Xbox, she never would leave it on if it wasn't in use unless she passed out while using it.

"Did you find her?" Jackie asked as Zenin opened the sliding glass door.

Zenin shook her head and headed back to the living room to inspect the water on the floor. As she did that, Jackie wandered into the few rooms and checked to see if Samantha might just be sleeping. She was a heavy sleeper sometimes.

"She's not home..." Jackie told Zenin as the blonde leaned against the wall with a slight pout. "There's no way she could have gone anywhere, she doesn't drive yet."

Zenin glanced at the television and gently pushed herself off the wall. "Well, she's got two legs that aren't broken. But, she wouldn't leave this on." Zenin walked over to the coffee table and picked up the controller, turning it back on. "I wonder she was doing...."

The Return of A Dimension Traveler| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now